hhhhhhh                                                                         lllllll lllllll                                                  tttt          
h:::::h                                                                         l:::::l l:::::l                                               ttt:::t          
h:::::h                                                                         l:::::l l:::::l                                               t:::::t          
h:::::h                                                                         l:::::l l:::::l                                               t:::::t          
 h::::h hhhhh          ooooooooooo       eeeeeeeeeeee           aaaaaaaaaaaaa    l::::l  l::::l     eeeeeeeeeeee    rrrrr   rrrrrrrrr   ttttttt:::::ttttttt    
 h::::hh:::::hhh     oo:::::::::::oo   ee::::::::::::ee         a::::::::::::a   l::::l  l::::l   ee::::::::::::ee  r::::rrr:::::::::r  t:::::::::::::::::t    
 h::::::::::::::hh  o:::::::::::::::o e::::::eeeee:::::ee       aaaaaaaaa:::::a  l::::l  l::::l  e::::::eeeee:::::eer:::::::::::::::::r t:::::::::::::::::t    
 h:::::::hhh::::::h o:::::ooooo:::::oe::::::e     e:::::e                a::::a  l::::l  l::::l e::::::e     e:::::err::::::rrrrr::::::rtttttt:::::::tttttt    
 h::::::h   h::::::ho::::o     o::::oe:::::::eeeee::::::e         aaaaaaa:::::a  l::::l  l::::l e:::::::eeeee::::::e r:::::r     r:::::r      t:::::t          
 h:::::h     h:::::ho::::o     o::::oe:::::::::::::::::e        aa::::::::::::a  l::::l  l::::l e:::::::::::::::::e  r:::::r     rrrrrrr      t:::::t          
 h:::::h     h:::::ho::::o     o::::oe::::::eeeeeeeeeee        a::::aaaa::::::a  l::::l  l::::l e::::::eeeeeeeeeee   r:::::r                  t:::::t          
 h:::::h     h:::::ho::::o     o::::oe:::::::e                a::::a    a:::::a  l::::l  l::::l e:::::::e            r:::::r                  t:::::t    tttttt
 h:::::h     h:::::ho:::::ooooo:::::oe::::::::e               a::::a    a:::::a l::::::ll::::::le::::::::e           r:::::r                  t::::::tttt:::::t
 h:::::h     h:::::ho:::::::::::::::o e::::::::eeeeeeee       a:::::aaaa::::::a l::::::ll::::::l e::::::::eeeeeeee   r:::::r                  tt::::::::::::::t
 h:::::h     h:::::h oo:::::::::::oo   ee:::::::::::::e        a::::::::::aa:::al::::::ll::::::l  ee:::::::::::::e   r:::::r                    tt:::::::::::tt
 hhhhhhh     hhhhhhh   ooooooooooo       eeeeeeeeeeeeee         aaaaaaaaaa  aaaallllllllllllllll    eeeeeeeeeeeeee   rrrrrrr                      ttttttttttt  
name: bregje
tt: .chansbigtoes
phone number *netherland* "0639351855"
discord: .chansbigtoes#2493
not sure if its her ip, try to get her actual ip, and rape her ip. she tells kids: kys'  so, if u got her ip, just leak it fr. or ask me on me cord
idk if the ip is real or fake.
just to be clear.
and it would be great if y'all tried to grab her ip fr
i cant do it rn. bc i got banned alot from cord.