
Full Name: George Perry Floyd
Address: 3333 Alabama St, Apt 119G, Houston, TX, 77004-8685
Ethnicity: Negroid
Date of Birth: October 14 1973
Date of Death: May 25 2020
Phone Number: 361-595-2949
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/george.floyd.7106
-—--- Criminal Record -----
-—--- Family Members -----
Brother's Name: Rodney Stewart Floyd
Brother's Address: 4912 La Branch St, Houston, Texas, 77004
Brother's Phone Number: 832-881-8211
Brother's Date of Birth: December 10 1982
Brother's Email: rodneyfloyd33@yahoo.com
Brother's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rodney.floyd.50
-—---           -----
Sister's Name: Philonise Oneil Floyd
Sister's Address: 16618 Lonesome Quail Dr, Missouri City, Texas, 77489
Sister's Phone Number: 832-892-4770
Sister's Email: philonisefloyd@gmail.com
Sister's Date of Birth: June 20 1981
-—---           -----
Girlfriend's Name: Courteney Ross
Girlfriend's Address: 2722 Buchanan St NE, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55418
Girlfriend's Phone Number: 612-781-4196
Girlfriend's Date of Birth: October 16 1975
-—---           -----
Mother's Name: Larcenia Jones Floyd
Date of Birth: February 25 1947
Date of Death: 30 May 2018
-—---           -----
Father's Name: George Perry Floyd, Sr
Date of Birth: March 3 1949
Date of Death: October 8 2002
-—---           -----

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