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                                   ║by lanh1s // sanado // yoshiko // zxcpulsed // kisaki       ║
                                   ║                                                            ║                                  
┼                                     Information                                               ┼
Full name: Ivanova Angelina Borisovna
Date of birth: 10/12/2002
Phone: +79954080001
Address: Volgogradskaya region Volgograd st. Cosmonauts st. d.37 kv.62

INST: https://instagram.com/ivva_angi
INST: https://instagram.com/bananas_slimes_vlg
┼                                   Mother Information                                          ┼
Full name: Ivanova Irina Aleksandrovna
Date of birth: 11/18/1986
Address: Russia Volgograd region, Irkutskaya street, 4, apartment 28
Phone: +79047704477
E-Mail: ivairra@bk.ru
E-Mail: ivvairra@mail.ru
Passport: 1806 887674
Passport date: 12/30/2006
Issued by: Voroshilovsky district department of bailiffs of Volgograd, Federal Bailiff Service for the Volgograd region

Telegram: @ivvairra | ID 195324484
┼                                       Father's Information                                    ┼
Full name: Ivanov Boris Alexandrovich
Date of birth: 05/05/1984
Number: +79272504352 / +79044074040
E-Mail: ivanovboris@bk.ru
Passport: 18 03 236740
INN: 344345859690

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                                                                                                  |          Сontact           |
                                                                                                  |                            |
                                                                                                  |    Discord: yoshikopranker |
                                                                                                  |        lanh1s / sanado. /  |
                                                                                                  |         nezxcpulsed        |
                                                                                                  | Telegram: @enterbomb       |
                                                                                                  |                            |