_____ _     _                   _____ _ _         
 / ____| |   (_)                 / ____(_) |        
| |    | |__  _ _ __ __ _  __ _ | |     _| |_ _   _ 
| |    | '_ \| | '__/ _` |/ _` || |    | | __| | | |
| |____| | | | | | | (_| | (_| || |____| | |_| |_| |
 \_____|_| |_|_|_|  \__,_|\__, (_)_____|_|\__|\__, |
                             | |               __/ |
                             |_|              |___/ doxxed by hilix not fully done with it 

1. -> his addy (351 Sam Ridley pkwy East
   smyrna,tennessee 37167 US)
2. -> phone number (618 267 9602)
3. -> name hayden gerhart
4. -> old xbox email (hgerhart12345@outlook.com)
5. -> google link to his addy shit dads btw https://www.google.com/maps/place/351+Sam+Ridley+Pkwy+E,+Smyrna,+TN+37167/@35.9978022,-86.4945573,18z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88640e7c35d0577d:0x25de78862d09ad87!8m2!3d35.9978383!4d-86.4936531
6. -> xbox gamertags (vlmGuud vSmonk vRaijins Twitch NA)
7. -> his ip address
8. -> age 16

ㄒ卄丨丂 丨丂 几ㄖㄒ 千ㄩㄥㄥㄚ ᗪㄖ几乇 山卂丂 フㄩ丂ㄒ 千ㄖ尺 千ㄩ几

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