18 year old discord/eBay seller scramming 600 dollars worth of money to innocent people bro scammed me for 90 dollars and said he couldn't be swatted
Name: Guage  
:Location 967 Guice Rd, Saluda, NC 28773
Discord gauge8156
ring you another skid from the larping community The great /Cpanel Haxxor Mr. Gauge Egert, 18 years old American grocery bagger from North Caorlina
             who is known as EBAY scammer  & always refusing to prove so even with being offered 1 BTC (35,000$ worth as of todays value in crypto on 
            the market. Hands down the most mentally scarred skid of the doxbin com. This guy gets trolled being the basket case Multiple personality freak show 
            deserves nothing more that the HOA of doxbin where the biggest retards belong. This joke of a hacker has no actual skillset, following around people 
            that have already been doxed trying to cash in on Their fame such as Doxbins ex owner White aka Breachbase Arion Kurtaj who was destroyed over this 
            site. Mr. Egert claimed to be the very reason that White was arrested. Good thing nobody takes this doxbin kid serious. He's doxbins most swatted and 
            trolled member up there with SLEEPTHEGOD. Every single one of his doxes are fake or incorrect or not actually doxes in general. Meme'ed by everyone. 
                laughed at by all. Imagine spending all your hard earned money and time pretending to be the worlds biggest super hacker only to get doxed.

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