+ Esha Sargon Albazi (Zeuz) Dox +
                                              * Reason: defending esluts * 
                                                 - By: GavurmaciBugra - 

Personal Info:
Name: Esha Sargon
Surname : Albazi
Date Of Birth: 27.06.01
Age: 19
From: Duhok, Iraq
His Home (MAP): https://prnt.sc/qm83pg
Real Location (His Home): 36.868981, 42.977975 

List Of Some Albazi Gang + His Photos: Everything in 1 Folder
Link: https://mega.nz/#F!OmRS1SZC!07n9t69_hpbJVNup6JILpA

= his ugly egirl dox file and her pictures : https://mega.nz/#F!SmICVISA!hYwNk0vnik2j1BRoa2nL3g =

Social Info:
MC IGN: _Zeuz
Instagram: instagram.com/esha_sargon
SC: snapchat.com/add/hbulter5
Discord: _Zeuz ❥#7085
Spotify: Eeshasargon