
full name: Donzel Edward Owens Jr.
DOB: 1947-09-10
Address: 2930 STATE ROUTE 45 LOT #46, LISBON, OH 44432
phone numbers:
(330) 424-5871 - Landline
(330) 424-5684 - Landline
(330) 424-5793 
email: donzel.owens@gmail.com
other listed addresses: 9230 State Route 45 #20 Lisbon, OH 44432
9230 State Route 45 #28 Lisbon, OH 44432
9230 State Route 45 #11 Lisbon, OH 44432
9230 State Route #45 Lisbon, OH 44432
7905 Scotts Mill Rd Rogers, OH 44455
Reason to be doxxed today: He grabbed a kids private areas, thats all there is for me to say fuck this guy

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