Name- Mark Harris Noyes
Phone number- 407-873-9535 (mobile)
              617-942-0722 (google voice)
Address- Can't remember full details, but something on Regal Oak Drive in Kissimmee, FL
Twitter- @Sad_Kris_
Discord- Sad Kris#5302
Motive- Mark is my ex-boyfriend. Now, don't start saying that I'm just a thot who wants to get back at my ex. I have reasons. Here are some-
#1- Manipulative. He gaslighted me my whole fucking relationship. He threatened suicide to get attention. And I'm not the only person who
he has done that with.
#2- Liar. Claims he can "hack" websites. He just uses brute force. One example that I can give is of https://vanderstank.com/.
#3- Says I "cheated on him"- He threatened suicide for like the 10th time and I blocked his ass for a month. Within that one month period I
tried to hook up with a local boy (I will explain further in a bit) and we ended up having a sleepover and kinda.... well... I gave him a 
couple blowjobs. Anyways, I don't consider this cheating. I blocked Mark, and he should have taken the hint that we're fucking done. When I
unblocked him I was completely honest about everything and even said that we're done. But he still claims I was cheating.
#4- We don't even live in the same state. This is kinda my fault, but He lives in Florida, and I live in Montana. So yeah. Not a reason to dox
him tho.
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