quick and small dox by me Age : 21 yo Birthdate : 3 May 2003 FULL Name : Theo Stirmann Country : France Address : he lives in "Soultzmatt" in Alsace - France. I don't know his exact address Gmail : stirmann.theosn@gmail.com snapchat : astirmann - numia phone number ; +33 6 30 03 32 71 Main Discord account : Seref__ Catfish Discord : numia__ Password for most of his accounts (sometimes he adds a ! or _ or other symbols) : WDfamily159 other password i've found: Spikes.757@#21St Quick explanation about this guy: he decided he wanted to become a "girl" which was actually wrong since he was always looking for attention and was therefore toxic, and i heard from his own voice, he wanted to do a transision because he would get more attention. Since then he has created accounts to pretend to be a girl and talk with minors on dating discords. I'm pretty sure he also groomed his sister but i'm not sure. None of these informations were obtained illegaly