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Who is Frank?

Full name:Frank/Fransisco Javier Martinez

Adress:317 N Cedro St Weslaco Tx 78596 Unites States

Link to zillow/house looks:  https://www.zillow.com/homes/317-N-Cedro-St-Weslaco-Tx-78596-Unites-States_rb/52760497_zpid/

IP: or

internet provider:Spectrum/charter communications or T-mobile

Moms name:juanny Martinez 

Dads name:not found

siblings: two sisters and 1 brother

Name of brother:Alejandro Martinez

Sister name:Victoria Martinez 

Sister name:Evelyn Martinez

Xbox Gamertag:WazuptacOzSc

PS4 ID:Fwedaismammas956



moms snapchat:juanymartin2969

most of his passwords are:P391486921