flame's dox do whatever the fuck u want l0l0l broke retard

first name: Osama
last name: Younes
dob(date of birth): 20001215(6915)
address: Tunastigen 100 (apt number 1003)
postal code: 97344
city: Luleå
country: Sweden
no number attached
alias: flame, osama bin laden
steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561193865658177
discord: flame#0001


first & middle & last names: Soheir Mohamed Hassan Kamar
same address 
DOB(date of birth): 19720501(1229)
phone numbers attatched: (+46)0722299612 (+46)0761051179

first & middle & last names: Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Younes
same address
dob(date of birth): 19631201(0454)
no number attatched

low income retard who think he's somewhat big, spent all his birthday money on steam lvl's and i would say he doesn't have a lot of friends irl looking at his behaviour.