
                                                            ➤ Picture: 	mom: https://imgur.com/a/8v4765v; 
									him: https://imgur.com/a/N2qKskJ 
                                                              ➣ "", 
                                                            ➤ Name: Andrea soave
                                                            ➤ Age: 16
                                                            ➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 
                                                            ➤ Location of Birth: Turin
                                                            ➤ Location: 
                                                            ➤ Race: White
                                                            ➤ Sexual Orientation: Pansexusal
                                                            ➤ Political Affiliation: 
                                                            ➤ Native Language: Italian
                                                            ➤ Religion: Muslim
                                                              ➣ Additional Information
                                                              ➣ Gender: Male
                                                              ➣ Weight: 74kg
                                                              ➣ Height: 1.85cm

                                                            PERSONAL INFORMATION
                                                            ➤ Country of Citizenship:	
                                                            ➤ [ISP] Internet Service Provider: Tim
                                                            ➤ Area Code: 
                                                            ➤ Mobile Phone Number: +39 351 8439644
                                                              ➣ Mobile Phone Email: 
                                                            ➤ Current Address: Via Cardinal Massaia 25 TO
                                                              ➣ Previous Address: 
                                                            ➤ Postal Code: 10147
                                                            ➤ Email Address: andreasoave@gmail.com
                                                              ➣ Additional Information: 
                                                              ➣ Static/Dynamic Assignment: 
                                                              ➣ Internet Protocol IPV4/6: 24.421.694:10244
                                                              ➣ Timezone: [EU]1

                                                              ➣ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrea.soave.921
                                                              ➣ Twitter: 
                                                              ➣ Discord ID: 839496726226010133
							      ➣ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/1312andree/

                                                            FAMILY INFORMATION
                                                            ➤ Mothers Name: Isabella veronica pal
                                                            ➤ Age: 45
                                                            ➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 
                                                            ➤ Location of Birth: Romania
                                                            ➤ Location: 
                                                            ➤ Race: White
                                                            ➤ Sexual Orientation: etero
                                                            ➤ Political Affiliation:
                                                            ➤ Native Language: Rumenian
                                                            ➤ Religion: 
                                                              ➣ Additional Information
                                                              ➣ Gender: Female
                                                              ➣ Weight: 67kg
                                                              ➣ Height: 1.62cm

                                                            MOTHERS SOCIALS
                                                              ➣ https://www.facebook.com/isabelaveronica.pal.9/  https://www.facebook.com/isabelaveronica.pal.3

                                                           ➤ FATHERS Name: Roberto Soave
                                                            ➤ Age: 56
                                                            ➤ [DOB] Date of Birth:**/**/68 
                                                            ➤ Location of Birth: Turin
                                                            ➤ Location: 
                                                            ➤ Race: White
                                                            ➤ Sexual Orientation:Etero
                                                            ➤ Political Affiliation: 
                                                            ➤ Native Language: Italian
                                                            ➤ Religion: Turin
                                                              ➣ Went to istituto tecnico commerciale sommeiller g.
                                                              ➣ Gender: Male
                                                              ➣ Weight: 62kg
                                                              ➣ Height: 1.74cm

                                                             ➤  [DLN] Driver License: ""
                                                                  ➤ PROFESSIONAL LICENSES
                                                                    ➣ Name: Roberto
                                                                     ➣ Age: Soave
                                                                      ➣ Address:Via Cardinale Massia 25
                                                              ➣ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roberto.soave.9
                                                              ➣ Twitter: 
                                                              ➣ Facebook:
							      ➣ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/robertosoave68/


Nom de l'hte:                              DESKTOP-11V5U4C
Nom du systme d'exploitation:              Microsoft Windows 10 Famille
Version du systme:                         10.0.19045 N/A build 19045
Fabricant du systme d'exploitation:        Microsoft Corporation
Configuration du systme d'exploitation:    Station de travail autonome
Type de build du systme d'exploitation:    Multiprocessor Free
Propritaire enregistr:                    UTILISATEUR
Organisation enregistre:                   
Identificateur de produit:                  00326-10000-00000-AA408
Date d'installation originale:              05/10/2022, 15:17:50
Heure de dmarrage du systme:              20/04/2023, 14:19:06
Fabricant du systme:                       HP
Modle du systme:                          HP Pavilion Gaming Laptop 17-cd2xxx
Type du systme:                            x64-based PC
Processeur(s):                              1 processeur(s) install(s).
                                            [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 140 Stepping 1 GenuineIntel ~3110 MHz
Version du BIOS:                            Insyde F.21, 24/10/2022
Rpertoire Windows:                         C:\Windows
Rpertoire systme:                         C:\Windows\system32
Priphrique d'amorage:                    \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Option rgionale du systme:                fr;Franais (France)
Paramtres rgionaux d'entre:              fr;Franais (France)
Fuseau horaire:                             (UTC+01:00) Bruxelles, Copenhague, Madrid, Paris
Mmoire physique totale:                    7938 Mo
Mmoire physique disponible:                3542 Mo
Mmoire virtuelle: taille maximale:        20989 Mo
Mmoire virtuelle: disponible:             10956 Mo
Mmoire virtuelle: en cours d'utilisation: 10033 Mo
Emplacements des fichiers d'change:        C:\pagefile.sys
Domaine:                                    WORKGROUP
Serveur d'ouverture de session:             \\DESKTOP-11V5U4C
Correctif(s):                               11 Corrections installes.
                                            [01]: KB5022502
                                            [02]: KB5003791
                                            [03]: KB5012170
                                            [04]: KB5015684
                                            [05]: KB5025221
                                            [06]: KB5016705
                                            [07]: KB5018506
                                            [08]: KB5020372
                                            [09]: KB5022924
                                            [10]: KB5023794
                                            [11]: KB5005699
Carte(s) rseau:                            5 carte(s) rseau installe(s).
                                            [01]: Realtek Gaming GbE Family Controller
                                                  Nom de la connexion: Ethernet
                                                  DHCP activ:         Oui
                                                  Serveur DHCP:
                                                  Adresse(s) IP
                                            [02]: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
                                                  Nom de la connexion: Connexion rseau Bluetooth
                                                  tat:                Support dconnect
                                            [03]: Realtek RTL8852AE WiFi 6 802.11ax PCIe Adapter
                                                  Nom de la connexion: Wi-Fi
                                                  tat:                Support dconnect
                                            [04]: TAP-NordVPN Windows Adapter V9
                                                  Nom de la connexion: Ethernet 2
                                                  tat:                Support dconnect
                                            [05]: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
                                                  Nom de la connexion: Ethernet 3
                                                  DHCP activ:         Non
                                                  Adresse(s) IP
Configuration requise pour Hyper-V:         Un hyperviseur a t dtect. Les fonctionnalits ncessaires  Hyper-V ne seront pas affiches.