Pegasus Spyware - Fico
Hello my beautiful niggers. Today i will dox fico

His location: Asia pAcvific - China
His name: Robert Fico ( Robko )

Date of birth:	15th September 1964
Place of birth:	Topoľčany, Slovak Republic
Marital status:	married, 1 child
2002	habilitation, title of Doc. (Assoc. Prof).
1988 - 1992	postgraduate studies at the Institute of State and Law of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in the area of "Criminal Law", CSc. (PhD) degree ("Death Penalty in Czecho-Slovakia")
1987 - 1988 	judicial trainee, judicial examination
1982 - 1986 	ComeniusUniversity - Law Faculty, Bratislava, doctoral degree of JUDr.
Professional experience:	 
2016 -	Prime Minister
2012 - 2016	Prime Minister
2010 - 2012	Deputy Speaker of National Council
2006 - 2010	Prime Minister
2002 - 2006  	Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights, National Minorities and Women's Rights
2002 - 2004 	Observer in the European Parliament
1995 - 2003 	Chairman, Prison Commission of the Parliamentary Constitutional Committee
1994 - 2005	Member of the Slovak delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (1999 - 2001 - Head of Delegation)
1992 - 2002 	Member of the Parliamentary Constitutional Committee
1994 - 2000	Governmental agent representing the Slovak Republic before the European Court of Human Rights and the European Commission of Human Rights
since 1992 	Member of the Slovak Parliament
1986 - 1995	Law Institute of the Ministry of Justice (1992 - 1995 Deputy Director)
1986 - 1987	military service - assistant military investigator
Professional activities:	 
since 2000 	Member of the Slovak Bar Association, representation of crime victims
since 2003 	defence counsel training for the International Criminal Court in the Hague
Political activities:	 
2002 - 2006	Leader of Parliamentary Group of SMER - Social Democracy
since 1999	Chairman of Political Party SMER - Social Democracy
1996 - 1999 	Deputy Chairman of the Party of the Democratic Left
1994 - 1996 	Leader of Parliamentary Group of the Party of the Democratic Left
Other activities:	author of several professional articles and books
 	study stays in the U.S.A., England, Finland, Belgium and France - specialisation in human rights and criminal law
 	participation in various international conferences and seminars
 	author of several approved bills
 	teaching activities - lecturer at universities in the Slovak Republic and abroad
 	extensive publishing activities
 	member, editorial board of Justičná revue
 	Co-author of the project "Slovak National Centre of Human Rights" in Bratislava
 	author of the project "Slovak Centre for Crime Victims"
Languages:	English

He is black niggas he should be doxxed. ídiot ksurveny vybombuj´te ho