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          ║                               1x1 Reason                               ║
          ║ 1.................. MAKES MINORS CAM CUT / EXTORTS THEM! ABUSES ANIMALS║
          ║                      BY PUTTING GAS IN THEIR MOUTH & MORE!!            ║
          ║ 2.................. LEAKS MINORS AFTER THEY LEAVE AND MAKES THEM CUT   ║
          ║                     ON CAM, LARPS EVERYTHING!! CHEATING COM WHORE      ║
          ║ 3.................. ABUSES ANIMALS, THROWS THEM DOWN STAIRS, CUTS THEM ║
          ║                     PUTS GAS IN THEIR EYES AND MOUTH & MORE!!          ║
          ║                                                                        ║
          ║                    1x2 Personal Information                            ║
          ║ Name................ Sofia Gleeson                                     ║
          ║ Known as............ Vixie / Vix / Sofia / Sofi                        ║
          ║ Relationship Status. Talking to minors/Single                          ║
          ║ D.O.B............... December 29th 05                                  ║
          ║ Age................. 18                                                ║
          ║ Race................ Russian/white                                     ║
          ║ Gender.............. Female                                            ║
          ║ Sexuality........... bisexual                                          ║
          ║ Address............. 1409 Vermilion Rd DULUTH, MN, United States       ║
          ║ Phone Number........ +1 (218) 340-3362                                 ║
          ║ Discord/............ @slitbound / @bloodedsiren                        ║
          ║ Discord ID/S........ 725833743125708851   1223945054603972608          ║
          ║ Roblox:............. https://www.roblox.com/users/3737699299/profile   ║
          ║                      https://www.roblox.com/users/2687527621/profile   ║
          ║                      https://www.roblox.com/users/3726987441/profile   ║
          ║ .......................................................................║
          ║ TikTok.............. https://www.tiktok.com/@feenslit?_t=8oOotZMl7eA&_r=1https://www.tiktok.com/@lfjtvu?_t=8oOorAF9kiN&_r=1║
          ║ .......................................................................║
          ║                                                                        ║
          ║                              1x3= Proof                                ║
          ║ 1. house: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1116571439999496226/1267099713241485383/image.png?ex=66a78e11&is=66a63c91&hm=f4bc6afe9483d5d2c0d103b228abe289301128a0a8e9599d8b171c83a32366c1&=&format=webp&quality=lossless
          ║ 3. FACE https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1262471461944299561/1266783230737121310/image.png?ex=66a71011&is=66a5be91&hm=2a190f93af63dd234c582e9136d2af4f2cd65c73c38b56e5dccb99d7a205d3ed&=&format=webp&quality=lossless
          ║                       1x4= Message to all/Vixie                        ║
          ║Dont be a extorter, larp, cheater, slut, com whore, animal abuser,leaker║
