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                               Stand firm in love and truth, for light always overcomes darkness

                        ║──────────────────────────────── Pasted by ──────────────────────────────────║
                        ║                                                                             ║
                        ║                               ,ggg,  ,ggg, ,ggg,_,ggg,                      ║
                        ║                              dP""8I dP""Y8dP""Y88P""Y8b                     ║
                        ║                             dP   88 Yb, `88'  `88'  `88                     ║
                        ║                            dP    88  `"  88    88    88                     ║
                        ║                           ,8'    88      88    88    88                     ║
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                        ║                     __   ,8"     88      88    88    88                     ║
                        ║                    dP"  ,8P      Y8      88    88    88                     ║
                        ║                    Yb,_,dP       `8b,    88    88    Y8,                    ║
                        ║                     "Y8P"         `Y8    88    88    `Y8                    ║
                        ║                                                                             ║
                        ║                           https://t.me/FlashsBotnet                         ║               
                        ║                                                                             ║
                        ║───────────────────────────────── Pasted by ─────────────────────────────────║                    
                        ║─────────────────║ Table of Contents - Chapters [ 1 - 4 ] ║──────────────────║
                        ║                 ╚════════════════════════════════════════╝                  ▓  
                        ║                                                                             ▓     
                        ║          ⤷ / 0x01 / 🠊  Introduction [/]─────────────────────────────       ▓   
                        ║          ⤷ / 0x02 / 🠊      Personal [/]─────────────────────────────       ▒      
                        ║          ⤷ / 0x03 / 🠊       Socials [/]─────────────────────────────       ▒                                                                                
                        ║                                                                             ▓ 
                        ║                 ╔════════════════════════════════════════╗                  ▓
                        ║─────────────────║ Table of Contents - Chapters [ 1 - 4 ] ║──────────────────║
                        ║───────────────────── Introduction - Chapters [ 0x01 ] ──────────────────────║
                        ║                                                                             ║ 
                        ║                              ╘ Matej Angelovski ╛                           ║
                        ║                                                                             ║ 
                        ║ Today we will be looking at the downfall of Matej Angelovski.               ║
                        ║ this faggot has been talking shit about my girlfriend and how he would      ║
                        ║ also r@pe her. He tried as hard as he could to make me feel like he         ║
                        ║ knows her which he doesnt. He kept saying that he would r@pe her and that   ║
                        ║ she knows his dick size. Today we will be putting an end to Matej.          ║
                        ║                                                                             ║         
                        ║                       So sit back and enjoy the show.                       ║ 
                        ║                                                                             ║            
                        ║─────────────────────  Paste Start - Chapters [ 0x01 ] ──────────────────────║ 
                        ║─────────────────────── Personal - Chapters [ 0x02 ] ────────────────────────║
                        ║                                                                             ║ 
                        ║     ╘ FULL NAME: Matej Angelovski                                           ║
                        ║     └──│ Age: 15 | SEX: (M)                                                 ║
                        ║        │ Race: W                                                            ║
                        ║        │ Eyes: Brown                                                        ║
                        ║        │ Hair: Black                                                        ║
                        ║        │ Height: 1.50-1.60cm                                                ║
                        ║        │ Weight: 80-90 kg                                                   ║
                        ║        │ Birth Place: Skopje                                                ║
                        ║        │ School: СУГС „Владо Тасевски“ - Скопје                             ║
                        ║     ╘ Aliases                                                               ║                               
                        ║     └──│ dare brapo moj, matr0n12_88959, matron, angel0vsk1                 ║
                        ║        └──────────────────────────────────                                  ║                        
                        ║                                                                             ║            
                        ║─────────────────────── Personal - Chapters [ 0x02 ] ────────────────────────║ 
                        ║─────────────────────── Socials - Chapters [ 0x03 ] ─────────────────────────║
                        ║                                                                             ║ 
                        ║     ╘ Discord                                                               ║
                        ║     └──│ User: matr0n12_88959                                               ║              
                        ║        │ ID: 1315778231785357382                                            ║                       
                        ║        │ Status: Active                                                     ║
                        ║        │ Account Created: [ Mon, 09 Dec 2024 20:32:56 UTC]                  ║
                        ║        └──────────────────────────────────                                  ║
                        ║     ╘ 2nd Discord                                                           ║
                        ║     └──│ User: matronnnn12_10492                                            ║              
                        ║        │ ID: 1319995587495460968                                            ║                       
                        ║        │ Status: Active                                                     ║
                        ║        │ Account Created: [Sat, 21 Dec 2024 11:51:12 UTC]                   ║
                        ║        └──────────────────────────────────                                  ║
                        ║     ╘ Tiktok                                                                ║                               
                        ║     └──│ User: @angel0vsk1                                                  ║         
                        ║        │ Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@angel0vsk1                           ║
                        ║        │ ID: 6828289188094821382                                            ║
                        ║        │ Country: Macedonia                                                 ║
                        ║        │ Account creation: 2020-05-18 21:08:34                              ║
                        ║        │ Nickname modification time: 2024-12-06 23:20:32                    ║
                        ║        │ Language: English                                                  ║
                        ║        │ Followers: 363                                                     ║
                        ║        │ Followed: 32                                                       ║
                        ║        │ Friends: 21                                                        ║
                        ║        │ Friends: 21                                                        ║
                        ║        └──────────────────────────────────                                  ║         
                        ║     ╘ Epic Games                                                            ║                               
                        ║     └──│ User: @dare brapo mojシ                                            ║                                       
                        ║        │ Link: https://shorturl.at/zPIqP                                    ║
                        ║        └──────────────────────────────────                                  ║                         
                        ║                                                                             ║            
                        ║─────────────────────── Socials - Chapters [ 0x03 ] ─────────────────────────║ 