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                                                         psa; this is a shit dox took me 10 minutes         
                           _______                   _     _____        __                           _   _                                                                         +
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                                           __/ |                                                                       
          +                               |___/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                                                 Legal Name                         Nationality                                                                                         
                                                 ▶ ; Fatema Nakhuda                   ▶ ; indian/muslim    
            *                                    ▶ ; IP Address Regional Location: Toronto, Canada
                                                     IP Address:
                                                     Device: Tablet (iOS)
                                                     Time: Saturday, March 30, 2024 6:05 PM UTC                                        
                       *                                                  *     
                                                 Address                                                       ▶ Socials ;
                                                 ▶ ; 60 Pavane Linkway 701, Northyork, Toronto                 https://www.instagram.com/kittygores_/ 
                                                                                                             Discord: femaleblunts ID; 1248628797981458528
                                                 ▶ ; Phone Number: NA
                                                 ▶ ; Timezone: Eastern Daylight Saving Time
                                  +              ▶ Email Address's                                              ▶ Height   /    Weight                           +                                           
                                                 ; fatema1641@icloud.com / noeyebrows12@swat.com                 ; 5'2  / 150LBS
  *                                              ▶ ; School Northern Secondary School Toronto, M4P 2L5, Canada

                                               Common Passwords;                               Aliases;

                                               ▶; icarvenameslol                              ▶ 空に祈る ³⁶, xani, sujin, sad anime girl, Zinky zoogle, zeekybooble beeble, femaleblunts

                                              ▶ ;Hello, Fatema Nakhuda. You are a ebop on discord.com/ With no life online 24/7 doesn't go outside cf's ass pics
                                                 no one likes people like you that cf and make lies up to random people n js startin beef for no reason your a nobody
                                                 you act all tuff on discord.com and js vc boys 24/7 all day acting all tuff thinking your com your jus a poor nobody you live in a rundown apartment
                                                 you flew others people money n sayin its you when i saw it on ig LMFAO ggz your poor you live in a apartment fuckin pooron
                                                 begin with you. You are first to go bye bye. You are a useless slut that will be on the streets by 20 begging for older guys to suck there dick for money
                                                 your poor n useless n crave guys attention, 
                                                 WANNA BE COM EGIRL

                                                 Face pic:
                                                 ▶ https://imgur.com/a/WoTulB4        


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                                                                  : ;   |                | Here dies |                           
                                                                  : ;   |                |           |                          
                                                                 : ;   |                 | Fatema    |                           
                                                               . : . : ;         ✞       |           |                           
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 @xvxg on discord
 juzo / iownbeamingcom