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                     |       | Reason: claiming ownership over doxbin, bombings,etc. Hes just harmless overall.
                    Credits:drako x oath
Name:Jonathan Augusto
20 year old father who lives with his parents at 11585 SW Fieldstone Way, Port Saint Lucie FL 34987. Claims to have child pornography on his computer while his wife is in the back of his camera sleeping. Had his friend larp owning doxbin, and larp bombings of colleges that they never did.
His face; https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/912436775715233822/1035767522294771742/unknown.png
Jonathan Augusto (named his son after himself, I wonder how intolerable he is)
51 years old
(561) 274-8600
716 SW River Bend Cir, Stuart FL 34997
Joanne E Augusto
54 years old 
(772) 464-3598 
Po Box 7525, Delray Beach FL 33482
joanneaugusto@yahoo.com, lindaf3503@mchsi.com
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