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 	 ═> threatened to dox a member of scuffed so we doxed his ass
         ═> Dont threaten to dox a member of scuffed faggot

══════════════════════════════════>Basic Info<═════════════════════════════════
	 ═> Firstname: Aaron
	 ═> MiddleName: James
	 ═> Name: Hill
	 ═> Race: White
	 ═> EyeColor: Blue-Green
	 ═> HairColor: Brownish
	 ═> Height: 5'10
	 ═> Age: 15
	 ═> Date of Birth: April 2, 2006

	 ═> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cat.jones.96199344

══════════════════════════════>Phone Info<═════════════════════════════════════
	 ═> Number: +1 (334) 718-3189
	 ═> Valid: True
	 ═> LocalFormat: 3347183189
	 ═> InternationalFormat: +13347183189
	 ═> CountryPrefix: +1
	 ═> CountryCode: US
	 ═> CountryName: United States of America
	 ═> City: Dothan 
	 ═> State: Alabama
	 ═> Carrier: Sprint Corp
	 ═> LineType: Mobile

══════════════════════════════>IP Info<════════════════════════════════════════
	 ═> IpAddress:
	 ═> Continent: North America
	 ═> ContinentCode: NA
	 ═> Country: United States
	 ═> CountryCode: US
	 ═> Region: AL
	 ═> RegionName: Alabama
	 ═> City: Dothan
	 ═> ZipCode: 36305
	 ═> Lat: 31.2201
	 ═> Lon: ═85.4671
	 ═> Timezone: America/Chicago
	 ═> Offset: ═18000
	 ═> Currency: USD
	 ═> ISP: Charter Communications
	 ═> ORG: Spectrum
	 ═> AS: AS11955 Charter Communications Inc
	 ═> ASName: TWC-11955-ATLANTA
	 ═> Mobile: False
	 ═> Proxy: False
	 ═> Hosting: False 

	 ═> School: Dothan Preparatory Academy
	 ═> Location: 1236 South Oates St., Dothan, AL 36301
	 ═> Phone: +1 (334) 794-1400
	 ═> Site: https://www.dothan.k12.al.us/Domain/16
	 ═> Mascot: Tiger
	 ═> FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/DothanPrepAcademy
	 ═> YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdhcfQOdctTWMfx═bwMqS4w

══════════════════════════════>Social Medias<══════════════════════════════════
	 ═> Discord: FBI#2688(443127530246111232), KA#0003(841676171779244053)
	 ═> Instagram: verifiedno
	 ═> Snapchat: riftf
	 ═> Roblox: batmaniscool2
	 ═> TikTok: kvzw
	 ═> Fortnite: sOUrbus
	 ═> PSN: sOUrbus
	 ═> Xbox: sOUrbus
	 ═> DiscordServer: https://discord.gg/MxH5Gdj4rj

══════════════════════════════>Contact Info<═══════════════════════════════════
	 ═> Phone: +1 (334) 718-3189
	 ═> OldPhone: +1 (334) 718-6969
	 ═> Email: hillaaron319@gmail.com

	 ═> Country: United States of America
	 ═> State: Alabama
	 ═> City: Dothan
	 ═> Zip: 36305
	 ═> Street: 927 honeysuckle road
	 ═> Unit: I104



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