DC INFO: Discord: devbailey Discord UserID: 987763142241181777 Discord Display: C://DevBailey.exe His Discord Server Invite Link: https://discord.gg/V6FveCDrQq (Raid this shit) PERSONAL INFO: Full Name: Maximilian Herzog Age: Corny 15 year old Location: Schöllkrippen, germany His schools location: Ob. Schulstraße 10, 63825 Schöllkrippen Phone Number: +49 1778197900 Email: devbailey2211@gmail.com Password: DevBailey_YT2024! (prolly dont work no more) His IP: (MAIN) ^ OTHER IPS THAT CAME UP CC INFO: (not his but one of his shitty friends) cc number: 5356 8621 2348 7482 cvc: 437 expires: 12/28 name on card: Nicht schon wieder PC INFO: Device name: Bailey432589556 Processor: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H 2.30 GHz Installed Ram: 32GB (31.7GB usable) Device ID: 705F7B96-2E32-4C1F-B027-5C68B8C88971 Prouct ID: 00342-20909-07878-AAOEM System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Edition: Windows 11 Home Version: 23H2 Installed on: 16/02/2024 OS build: 22631.3593 Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1003.0 REASON: He is a white german that makes jokes about 9/11 and makes racial jokes have fun with this faggots information