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Noah Riley Lopez... Apperantly a swatter and is a weird ass nigga
 and "SWATS" for no reason and think hes big asf LOL 
living in a fucking monster house a abandoned house basicly... LOL well yall can do wtv the fuck you want
with this info i couldnt care less.. hes hurt and  done sm to people so why not get him arrested :) AAAA

also makes people do self harm and sends nudes to random ass girls 
and just makes their lives a living hell so doesnt hurt to make his 
life a living hell        


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Jennifer Sennett

Keller Williams Realty NY - Broker
11 years
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Nathan Accurso

Realty One Group Empower
1 years


459 Fargo Ave, Buffalo, NY 14213, USA

Full name: Noah Riley Lopez

Mothers Name: Regina Bowden

Fathers Name: Raymond Lopez

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Skin Tone: white

Email: Noahcoper13@gmail.com

Sex: male

Height 5,8

insta: 1sidedsoultie

Siblings 6

S Male: 5                       

He has a older brother named Raymon

He’s either 17 or 18

He has another older brother named Isaiah
He’s 16 or 15

He has a older sister her age is like 18-19


S Female: 1

Birthday: Novemeber 25

almost been swatted / boxed / your done for :sob:

has done things 

apprntly can swat... n dox...