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i warned you veronika... IM COMING FOR YOUR MODS NEXT

➤ Name: Daisy Tinkler
➤ Reason: Veronika: thretend my mom and pulled my ip, now i have all her shit

➤ Age: 16
➤ Location: Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
➤ State/region:	Bavaria
➤ Lat / Long:	48.1815 / 11.2543
➤ Postal code:	82256
➤ ISP:	Deutsche Telekom AG
➤ ASN:	3320
➤ Domain:	pd9ffa0a3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de
➤ Platform: Ios 16.2
➤ Browser: Safari 16.2
➤ Race: White
➤ Language: Ukranian/german and very cursed english
➤ Disc*rd: nikawpp/Veronika
➤ E-bf's Disc*rd: ic7dout/Ic7d

  ➣ Gender: Female
  ➣ Weight: unknown

➤ Conclusion: She is a massive ewhore bitch who needs help, she prolly has esex with her members
