
                           /$$                  /$$$$$$                      /$$     
                          | $$                 /$$__  $$                    |__/          
  /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$        /$$$$$$ | $$  \__/       /$$$$$$/$$$$  /$$  /$$$$$$ 
 /$$__  $$| $$__  $$ /$$__  $$       /$$__  $$| $$$$          | $$_  $$_  $$| $$ /$$__  $$
| $$$$$$$$| $$  \ $$| $$  | $$      | $$  \ $$| $$_/          | $$ \ $$ \ $$| $$| $$  \ $$
| $$_____/| $$  | $$| $$  | $$      | $$  | $$| $$            | $$ | $$ | $$| $$| $$  | $$
|  $$$$$$$| $$  | $$|  $$$$$$$      |  $$$$$$/| $$            | $$ | $$ | $$| $$|  $$$$$$/
 \_______/|__/  |__/ \_______/       \______/ |__/            |__/ |__/ |__/|__/ \______/ 

                                      +–─┘                                                                      └─–+                        
                                      |                           A U T H O R  N O T E S                           |                       
                                      : :                                                                        : :                       
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                                      │|:  :                                                                  :  :|│                       
                                      ││                                                                          ││                       
                                      ││ [1]: Anyone who claims to be linked to this dox is lying                 ││ 
                                      ││      apart from crosses + s.                                             ││                
                                      ││                                                                          ││                       
                                      ││                                                                          ││                       
                                      ││ [2]: WARNING: I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CONSIQUENCES                  ││                     
                                      ││      OF USING THE DATA WITHIN THIS DOX                                   ││                       
                                      ││                                                                          ││                       
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                                     │:    :                                                                :    :│                        
                                     └──┐  |                                                                |  ┌──┘                        
                                     ┌──│──┘─ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─└──│──┐                      
                                        :                                                                      :                          


  _        __      
 (_)      / _|     
  _ _ __ | |_ ___  
 | | '_ \|  _/ _ \ 
 | | | | | || (_) |
 |_|_| |_|_| \___/ 
name: Naemi Miho Wei Li (Naomy)
phone: +33 7 69 72 58 73 
Carrier: Freemobile
age: 17
city: La Ferte-sous-jouarre
country: France

                (_)     | |    
  ___  ___   ___ _  __ _| |___ 
 / __|/ _ \ / __| |/ _` | / __|
 \__ \ (_) | (__| | (_| | \__ \
 |___/\___/ \___|_|\__,_|_|___/

snap: naomyiei
insta: https://www.instagram.com/miholyi/
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kuilumi?_t=8bVdO4BOu0s&_r=1
discord: mui#2305 (946749980956311623)
spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/itbacggc5nm1en4qjj7eyxyrz
Valorant: mui#111 

      _ _                       _ 
     | (_)                     | |
   __| |_ ___  ___ ___  _ __ __| |
  / _` | / __|/ __/ _ \| '__/ _` |
 | (_| | \__ \ (_| (_) | | | (_| |
  \__,_|_|___/\___\___/|_|  \__,_|
User: mui#2305
UID: (946749980956311623)
Badges: Hypersquad House Balance, Nitro+
Created: Fri, 25 Feb 2022 12:46:25 UTC
Account type: Normal Account
Age: a year (414 days as of 15/04/2023)


                 _                                                  _       
                | |                                                | |      
   ___ _ __ ___ | |__   __ _ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___   ___ _ __ | |_ ___ 
  / _ \ '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _` | '__/ _` / __/ __| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __/ __|
 |  __/ | | | | | |_) | (_| | | | (_| \__ \__ \ | | | | |  __/ | | | |_\__ \
  \___|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|_|  \__,_|___/___/_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|___/
➼ Talking to 100 eboys at once and thought she could get away with it (got baited out and "cyberbullied >.<" out the server.
➼ lied about her age (16) to get with an older boy (said she was turning 18 soon to the boy)  
➼ Caught lying about having a boyfriend

  _ __  _  ___ ___ 
 | '_ \| |/ __/ __|
 | |_) | | (__\__ \
 | .__/|_|\___|___/
 | |               


        _ _           
       | (_)          
   __ _| |_  __ _ ___ 
  / _` | | |/ _` / __|
 | (_| | | | (_| \__ \
Mui, Nao, Naemi, Mio, Mioli, Kuilumi, Mioscrying,
Naomi, Naomy, Nai

 ▄████████    ▄████████  ▄██████▄     ▄████████    ▄████████    ▄████████    ▄████████ 
███    ███   ███    ███ ███    ███   ███    ███   ███    ███   ███    ███   ███    ███ 
███    █▀    ███    ███ ███    ███   ███    █▀    ███    █▀    ███    █▀    ███    █▀  
███         ▄███▄▄▄▄██▀ ███  ███   ███          ███         ▄███▄▄▄       ███        
███        ▀▀███▀▀▀▀▀   ███    ███ ▀███████████ ▀███████████ ▀▀███▀▀▀     ▀███████████ 
███    █▄  ▀███████████ ███    ███          ███          ███   ███    █▄           ███ 
███    ███   ███    ███ ███    ███    ▄█    ███    ▄█    ███   ███    ███    ▄█    ███ 
████████▀    ███    ███  ▀██████▀   ▄████████▀   ▄████████▀    ██████████  ▄████████▀ .exe
             ███    ███ 

stay strong, lots of love xo
(i do not own any of the art used within this dox, all rights go to creators)