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| 0 x 0 1 Introduction               |
| 0 x 0 2 Begin Dox                  |
| 0 x 0 3 Address Information        |
| 0 x 0 4 Phone Number Information   |
| 0 x 0 5 Social Media Information   |
| 0 x 0 6 End Of Dox                 |
0 x 0 1 Introduction
root@localhost:~# Welcome Doxers & or whoever seeing this. 
Today, We will be making a dox on this person “Ethan Gawlas” because this person been txting and calling me, so that we are doxxing him !
0 x 0 2 Begin Dox
Name: Ethan Gawlas
Address: 301 E Ogle St, APT 16, Ebensburg, PA 15931
Previous Address: 300 Emerald Street, Johnstown, Penny 15902
Phone Number: +1 (814) 421-1492
Email: ethangawlas@gmail.com
School He Went To: Ferndale School District
Where He Congratulated: Ferndale High School
0 x 0 3 Address Information
Address: 301 E Ogle Street, Apartment 16, Ebensburg, Pennsylvania 15931
House Bought For: N/A
House Has…: 1-2 Beds, 1 Bathroom, Air Conditioning, Carpet, Dishwasher, Heating, Kitchen, Oven, Range, Refrigerator, Tile Floors, And Yard
House was built in 1983
1 space for Surface Lot
______________________________________________________________________________________ ________
0 x 0 4 Phone Number Information
Phone belongs to: Ethan Gawlas
Phone: iOS / Android (which we don’t know)
Phone carrier store: 143 W Ogle St, Ebensburg, PA 15931 / 1419 Scalp Ave, Johnstown, PA 15904 
0 x 0 5 Social Media Information
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088104400449 
that’s the only hit i got from the phone number lookup i did
0 x 0 6 End Of Dox
bye bye 👋 i’ll post another dox whenever i feel like it bye bye 👋