                                                                                                                                     He should've thought some more using a female's


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He lied all throughout their relationship and made her seem like the issue when she did something wrong. 
He's a bad friend in general and whines like a little bitch. If not given his way, he'll throw a fit.
He planned on leading his girlfriend at the time on and playing with her feelings.
He tried to play victim when he was the one who ended things and talk shit about her to his friends.


Name: Antonio Xavier Agosto
Gender: Male (M)
Country: United States Of America (US)
State: Virginia 
City: Hampton
Address: 118 Greenwell Dr, Hampton, VA 23666
Country Code: +1
Mobile Number: (757)-567-4189

He took a female for granted, used her body, then once finished with her, he left. An 18 y/o boy 
couldn't even take proper care of himself without someone's help. 


I would love someone to put him in his place, do whatever.
 Divider from cherry on doxbin