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----------- USER NAME : erreur_404_
----------- USER ID : 1175753843326324778
----------- USER PRONOUNS : 𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖟𝖔𝖕𝖍𝖗è𝖓𝖊 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖔ï𝖆
----------- SURNAME : kirby (schizo du serveur)
----------- USER DESCRIPTION : Consommateurs accru de lean
----------- USER JOIN DATE : 19 nov 2023 
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----------- USER NAME Yan Dou 
----------- verified bank account !
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----------- USER : panda#QMG8
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----------- USER : spidermeow
----------- LINKS : https://open.spotify.com/user/bartamare
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----------- User active on https://discord.com/invite/shibuya , a french giveaway/chill/"friendly" communauty server , 
----------- In the public chatt he like to leak private discussion of user , young / old and make fun of them .
----------- He also like to leak ppl head in the public chatt. 
----------- He like to treath young girl of leaking their photos , its nudes .
----------- He also like to seduce young girl or dominate them .
----------- He like harrassing other users. 
----------- How does i know that ? , the message are in the server , a girl said that she did things for nitro in private but she want him to delete the pictures .
----------- So i send message do different administrator of shibuya , with proof and , they didn't move a finger .
----------- After that someone send him message , saying why you do that , he said , if somoenne send a pictur on discord i can use it , and yes i leaked someone head and ? 
----------- The person who texted him said , i know , you have picture of minor , he didn't respond and disconected , 1 or 2 hours after he reconnected and said bro I like milfs
----------- you know what ,kill yourself .
----------- He mad fun of this with a screen that he took and ppl where like its normal and said that he was so cool .... 
----------- I don't know the girls in real life , but they where really threatened by erreur_404_ 
----------- Its possible that he send dick pick to young girl 
----------- and everyday harass random users 
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----------- Shibuya is a server that make fake nitro giveaway in exchange of you being afk , and do publicity for ppl 
----------- most of the user are minor controlled by adult 
----------- minor girls can have rank in exchange of picture of her 
----------- its not rare to see a 13-12 years old say i want to suck dick , Fuck me , come to sex came with me ( there is vocal made for ....🤡 and young and old are in ) 
----------- sometime you could see pedopornographia spawn in the chatt and be delete by the user 5-6 min after 
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------------ He is a colored personne ( 100% i saw a real pic of him )
------------ He is ~21 years old 
------------ He live in france 
------------ He has a phone , and a playstation 5 
------------ THANK , if you want to help me , do it 
------------ I would really like to see the server banned 
------------ Or an video or picture of him cry or in fear bcs his computer or phone his being hacked 
------------ Or just delete and reset his phone or computer and expose him to all his family or force him to call cops 