----------- Main Information -----------
Aliases: kiston, ch1rper, ksassiolsas, zveropop, thech1rper302
Name: Богачев Матвей Алексеевич
City: Moscow (Used to live in Tambov)
Birthday: 23 мая 2007
Previous School (unsure): МОУ СОШ "ПЕРСПЕКТИВА" (с.Борисово)
Phone: +79156753289 (Redmi 9 & Galaxy A23)
Face : https://imgur.com/a/hxUnDZY

----------- Socials -----------

VK: https://vk.com/id549235940 (https://vk.com/dmitrypidorzz, https://vk.com/ksassiolsas)

VK Misc: 
    - https://vk.com/rayonaya_gopota - friends with the admins. lots of personal pics!

Youtube Acc: https://www.youtube.com/@thech1rper302

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Ch1rpeR/?rdt=39333

----------- Parents -----------

Mom :

Name: Наталья Богачева
VK: https://vk.com/art_nate
Birthday: 7 September 1990
Phone number: +7 (916) 573 24 23
Email: art-nate@yandex.ru

Dad :

Name: Алексей Богачев
VK: https://vk.com/drumnoise
Birthday: 28 July 1988

Grandma :

Name: Лариса Богачева
VK: https://vk.com/id151458988