|                                                                 scare.sh                                                            |
│ + . + . + . + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + │ 
|										        			                      │                               
|                               ¸____¸*¸                                                                                              │
|                          ¸ ¸ //¯¯¯¯*¸*                                                                                              │
|                ¸ . . . ./'·. ',                                                         4                                           │
|          , · ':::            /                                                          █                                           │
|      ,·':::                   ' ·,                                                1 █ █ █ █ █ 1                                     │
|     ;:::                         ;                                                      █                                           │
|     ;:::                         ;                                                      █                                           │
|     ',:::                       ,'                                                      █                                           │
|       ' .:::                 , '  The end of Extorters Chapter 1.                       █                                           │
|           ' · . . . . . . · '$$$                                                                                                    │
|                                                                                                                                     │                                                            
|                                                                                                                                     │
|                                                                                                                                     │
│ + . + . + . + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + │ 			           
|  |     |       |     |       |     |       |     |       |     |       |     |       |     |       |     |       |     |     |    | │
|  +     +       +     +       +     +       +     +       +     +       +     +       +     +       +     +       +     +     +    + │
|                                                                                                                                     |
|                   NOTES                                                      /======/                                               |
|    ╔════════════════════════════════════╗                                    | CASH |                                               |
|    ║ + This paste won't be updated      ║                                    | SEMP |                                               |
|    ║ + This paste contains members from ║                                    | NARO |                                               |
|    ║   different groups.                ║                           /========'      '========\                                      |
|    ╚════════════════════════════════════╝                           |   GRAVEYARD OF LOSERS  |                                      |
|                                                                     |  /_;-/__ / _\  _/-;_\  |                                      |
|                                                                     |     `-/_`'`_/'`/-'     |                                      |
|                                                                     '========/`\   /`========'                                      |
|                                                                              |/-/(  |                                               |
|                                                                              | |  / |                                               |
|                                                                              |\_/_\ |                                               |
|                                                                              | \ \`;|                                               |
|                                                                              |  > |/|                                               |
|                                                                              | / // |                                               |
|                                                                              | |//  |                                               |
|                                                                              | \(\  |                                               |
|                                                                              |  ``  |                                               |
|                                                                              |      |                                               |
|                                                                              |      |                                               |
|                                                                              |      |                                               |
|                                                                              |      |                                               |    
|                                                                  \\_ , _  _\\| \//  |//_   _ \// _                                  |
|                                                                 ^ `^`^ ^`` `^ ^` ``^^`  `^^` `^ `^                                  |                                        
|                                                                                                                                     |
│ + . + . + . + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + │ 
│[0x10 - PERSONAL INFORMATION : CASH]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ [scare.sh] │
│															              │
│        > Cash aka Joshua Shields is a 16 year old extorter, that targets young girls, blackmails them.     		              │
│                                                                                                            		              │
│                                                                                                                                     │	
│                   Address:  / 127 Scarborough Cir, Noblesville, IN 46062                                    		              │
│          Joshua Shields = ()                                                                                		              │
│                        PN:  \ (513) 702-2465                                                                		              │
│                        IP:   \                                                               		              │
│                                                                                                           		              │
│                                                                                                            		              │
│                          Aliases:  / cashroyi, cashDV, cashzone                                           		              │
│          Additional Information = ()                                                                        		              │
│                            Groups:  \ Death Valley, Zone, Slit Town [Diff Alias]                           		              │
│															              │
│ + . + . + . + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + │ 
│															              │
│               , - ~-, 												              │
│              , -'   , -'   ', 											              │
│          , ', . - '         ',     , , 										              │
│           ' -,               ',- ',-', ¸  										              │
│                ' - ,   , - ', - '      ¸,.'--~~-, 		$556,000 | 4 Bed | 2.5 Bath | 2642 Sq Ft | Built 1975                 │
│                    , ', - '   ¸¸¸      \          | 		(513) 702-2485 - Wireless [Last reported Dec 2024]	              │
│                   '    ;,, . ,,,         \      ,' 			    						              │
│                       ,'@)(@,'        ,' --'  	        Verizon Wireless					              │
│   ,'#''''''''#',' ' ' ' ' ' '  ' '   ' '         ,' 		(317) 753-4268 - Wireless [Last reported Jul 2021]	              │
│   ',¸ ¸ ¸*,-'         - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -,   ,' 								                      │
│    ',  ',                    '',' '  ,'  ,' 			Verizon Wireless					              │
│     ',  ',              , - ' ;   ,'  ,' 			(260) 665-0051 - Landline [Last reported Oct 2022]                    │
│        ' ' -  . - ~,' ' -¸ ¸ -'   '   ; 										              │
│                   ;~'- , ¸¸¸¸ , - ~', 			Email:							              │
│                   ;¸ , ...|,,,|. . . ,', 			[email protected]					              │
│                         |             \ 										              │
│                        /         |     \										              │ 
│                      /          /       \										              │ 
│                     /          '|       / \										              │ 
│                    /           '|      /   | 										              │
│                   /            '|     /,,  \										              │ 
│                  /             ',    ,  ,'  \ 									              │	
│                 '|                ' --· '    '|                )\ 							              │
│                  \                          )' ~ - - - ~#' #) 							              │
│                    ' -,                 ¸ .-' ' - , , , , ,#  '  							              │
│                         ' - ,     ,    ,' 										              │
│              Ñ맧        '\    |    | 										              │
│                , - ~ ~ ~ ' '    |     ' ~ ~ ~ - ,  									              │
│               (¸¸(¸¸¸¸¸¸,,..--~ '  ' ~--..,,¸¸¸¸¸¸)¸¸)LOSER¨‹								              │
│               													              │
│               													              │
│ + . + . + . + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + │ 
│															              │
│                                          .·´`·. 									              │
│	                              .·´`·´`´     ·´.` 		Instagram:  / xyukacash	                                      │
│	                         ..·´                '..                Socials = ()		                                      │
│	                     .·´,·´        . .  ::::::::`·. 	          Discord:  \ cashroyi.		                              │
│	                 .·´`·´        .·´,.`. `·.. ::::::: `·.. 	   Telegram:  \ t.me/cashroyi	                              │
│	             .·´           .·´.  /..´.·` .` .:::::::::  `·.         Youtube:    \ https://www.youtube.com/@cashroyi           │
│	         .·´           .·´ .'. `·-·´ . ´  `  .`·.::::::::.·´.'      Doxbin:	  \ https://doxbin.org/user/cashroyi          │
│	     .·´           . ´ .·´     `·-·´          `·.`·.,.·´.·´ 							              │
│	 .·´           . ´ .·´       |2 a i |V         `·.'.·´ 		 Email Addresses = ()					      │
│	I,.`.,     .·´  ·´ 						                     \ [email protected]	      │
│	 `·..·` ·´ .·´ 							 		       \ [email protected]	              │
│	     ` ·' ´«•š										 \ [email protected]                │
│															              │   
│ + . + . + . + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + │ 
│[0x15 - PERSONAL INFORMATION : SEMP / WEKO]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ [scare.sh] │
│                                                                                                                                     │
│                                                  ¸  , . -·.                                                                         │
│                                  ¸ , . - · : ´·.·.·.·.·.·.·.    ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗    │
│                          ¸,.-·´·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·    ║  + Full Name: Drake Michael Miller                           ║    │
│                      ¸·´·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.    ║   = Age: 19                                                  ║    │
│                 ¸,·´·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.    ║     = Address: 784 Fleet Rd Adolphus, KY 42120 Allen County  ║    │
│            ¸.·´·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.     ║       = School: Allen County Scottsville High School         ║    │
│    ¸, . ·;´;;¸¸ ,,   ..  --   ··    ¨¨    ·· .·.·.·.·.·.·.··.   ║         = Internet Protocol:                    ║    │ 
│¸,.´;;;¸·::´:;            .:::::´                `·.·.·.·.·.·.   ║                                                              ║    │
│',;;¸;.´::::::´           ::::::::                   `·.,¸·.·.   ║  + Aliases          + Groups                                 ║    │
│  ','.:::::::,'             `::::´      ¸,..--.. ¸         ',·.  ║   » SempDV           » Death Valley                          ║    │ 
│   `.`::::·´    ¸,..,¸      `::.    ;::::::::::::`-.¸     '.·.·  ║   » SempST           » Slit Town                             ║    │ 
│     '.',`.¸¸,.´::::::::`·-.,¸  `  ¸':::::::::::::::::´       `.·║   » WekoDV                                                   ║    │ 
│     ; ;::::::¸:::::::::::::·´      `·-:::::::¸:-·´           `, ║   » Weko                                                     ║    │
│      `.`·::::;`:¸:::::¸:-´  .´`:,       ¨¨¨                     ║   » EvilDV                                                   ║    │
│        `,¸;::;     ¨¨¨  .: ;:::::`¸     `·:::         ¸,.-´     ║   » Semposing                                                ║    │
│           `.`:`.       :::   `·'`·-·        :::: ¸,.-·´:::::    ║   » Paralects                                                ║    │
│                 `.;:`·-.,¸  ::                     .':::::::::::║   » draco605                                                 ║    │
│               `·.`·:::¨¨.          ¸    ¸ - ·´ \:::::::::::     ║                                                              ║    │
│                   `·:¸:::;`--´··--´ ,`¨¨ ,´(¸,.´:::::::::·´     ║  + Discord                                                   ║    │
│                    `·:¸:|¸¸¸.´`--´,`¨,::,--.¸¸,´¨¨.,'           ║   » iruinesluts [ALT] [evil] [evilDV]                        ║    │
│                            `\¨¨`·´¨`.´    `             ¸,.´    ║      - ID: 1335060920618979358                               ║    │
│              ·•/²›•·        '.                      .´          ║          - Creation Date: February 1, 2025 2:35 AM           ║    │
│            ·•HAHA•·       ` ·-.,           .-·´                 ║      - Profile Picture: https://files.catbox.moe/yoi9l3.png  ║    │
│'              ·•SEMP•·             `   ·-- · ´˜¤¹               ║   » semposing [ALT II] [ʂempSLITTOWN]                        ║    │
│                                                                 ║       - ID: 1288389270024749078                              ║    │ 
│                                                                 ║           - Creation Date: September 25, 2024 8:38 AM        ║    │
│                                                                 ║       - Profile Picture: https://files.catbox.moe/w8d31u.png ║    │ 
│                                                                 ║   » xqdx [MAIN] [ʂemp]                                       ║    │
│                                                                 ║       - ID: 1051963364789731491                              ║    │
│                                                                 ║           - Creation Date: December 12, 2022 9:46 PM         ║    │
│                                                                 ║       - Profile Picture: https://files.catbox.moe/dufwnx.png ║    │
│                                                                 ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝    │
│                                                                                                                                     │
│ + . + . + . + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + │ 
│                                                                                                                                     │
│               ¸,.,.,.O, , , ¸                                                                                                       │
│                     ,-'    ,·'    ' -,    '-,                                                                                       │
│                  ,-'      ;           ';    '-                                                                                      │
│                ,' ¸ ¸ , . ; - - - - ~~~-·';                                                                                         │
│                 ',-        ' -,              ' -,                                  EMAIL ADDRESSES / SOCIAL MEDIA                   │
│                 ;    (  (      ' - ,             ' -,                  ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ │
│                ("- (    (   (   )   )'  - , , , . -'                   ║ https://soundcloud.com/drake-miller-604852936            ║ │
│                  ' ; ¸(  (  ) ( \ ) )   ) , -'                         ║ https://www.snapchat.com/add/drakeemiller                ║ │
│                    ' ' ,  ( ~ )) \   ) ,-'                             ║ https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/draco60                  ║ │
│      SEMP            ' -.¸     /   ',                                  ║ https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Paralect                 ║ │
│                       ,- ~'---- /----~' ' -,                           ║ https://guns.lol/semp                                    ║ │
│                  , - '          \             ' -,                     ║ https://doxbin.org/user/semposing                        ║ │
│             , - '                \                 '-,                 ║ https://www.pinterest.com/semposing/                     ║ │
│          ,-'                     /                    '-,              ║ https://www.roblox.com/users/5397087004/profile          ║ │
│        ,'                       /          (·.          ' ,            ║ https://www.roblox.com/users/7234500563/profile          ║ │
│       ,'       ;                |           / '/-,          '-,        ║ https://t.me/paralects                                   ║ │
│     ,'        ,'                '|         /  /    ' -,         '-,    ║ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR9boLU0fqty_P0sAoknDoA ║ │
│    ,'         ;                         /  /          '-          '-,  ║ https://soundcloud.com/drake-miller-604852936            ║ │
│    ;          ;                       /  /             ',           ', ║ https://www.snapchat.com/add/malloryder                  ║ │
│    ;          ;                     /  /  /¯/--- ( ;    / -,,¸       ; ║ =- EMAIL -=                                              ║ │
│    ;          ;                    /  /   ¯           /         ,  -'  ║ [email protected]                                      ║ │
│    ;          ;                    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯;'  '  '  '              ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ │
│   ;          ;                                         ',                                   R E L A T I V E S                       │                
│   ;         ;                                            ;             ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ │                                                            
│  ,'        ,'                                             ;            ║ Annika Miller                                            ║ │                
│ ,'        ,'                                              ;            ║ Alexus Miller                                            ║ │                                                           
│,', , . , ¸'                                               ',           ║ [ https://www.facebook.com/alexus.miller.9 ]             ║ │
│  ;      ,'' ~ ~ ~ ' '  ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ - - - - ~ ~ ';' ~ --'             ║ John Miller [Dead]                                       ║ │                      
│  '// ,,,'                                            '-,               ║ Joshua Miller                                            ║ │              
│'¸'¸)   ,'                                               ',             ║ Kevin Miller                                             ║ │              
│       ',          ,       , ,     , , ,                 ',             ║ Sean Miller                                              ║ │
│        ',          ' - - '     ' ','       ' '             ,'          ║ Shannon Miller                                           ║ │
│         ',                      ;                    ,-'               ║ [ https://www.facebook.com/shannon.miller.98837399 ]     ║ │
│      , -'                       ;                  ,'-,                ║ Brian Miller                                             ║ │
│    ,'                          ,'                  '   ',              ║ Chris Miller                                             ║ │
│   ',                          ,'                         ' -,          ║ Keri Miller                                              ║ │ 
│    ,' -,                       ',                           ,'         ║ Stephanie Miller                                         ║ │
│  ,'   '                        ,'                , ,        ',         ║ Teresa Miller                                            ║ │
│,'       , , , ., ,  ,.,      ,'         ,-~'  '      ' ,      ',       ║ Tracy Miller                                             ║ │ 
│'- , ,-'(,,,,,(,(,,,,,,,)  ', ¸ -' ' - ~ ' (,,,,,,,),),,,,,)'- , -'     ║ Bob Miller                                               ║ │
│        '- - - - - - ~'                   ' - - - - - -~'˜¤¹            ║  | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ║ │
│                                                                        ║  | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ║ │
│                                                                        ║  | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ║ │
│                                                                        ║  + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ║ │
│                                                                        ║  Jason Miller                                            ║ │ 
│                                                                        ║   |                                                      ║ │
│                                                                        ║  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004061828570 ║ │
│                                                                        ║  J. Jones                                                ║ │
│                                                                        ║   |                                                      ║ │
│                                                                        ║  https://www.facebook.com/jjones0306 [ d / c ]           ║ │
│                                                                        ║  Mike Miller [Rest in Peace]                             ║ │
│                                                                        ║   |                                                      ║ │
│                                                                        ║  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008515965260 ║ │
│                                                                        ║  Timmy Clyde Miller                                      ║ │
│                                                                        ║   |                                                      ║ │
│                                                                        ║  https://www.facebook.com/timmyclyde.miller              ║ │
│                                                                        ║  Andrea G. Miller                                        ║ │
│                                                                        ║   |                                                      ║ │
│                                                                        ║  https://www.facebook.com/andrea.g.miller [ d / c ]      ║ │
│                                                                        ║  ????                                                    ║ │
│                                                                        ║   |                                                      ║ │
│                                                                        ║  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008291772214 ║ │
│                                                                        ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ │
│                                                            Future claims debunk;                                                    │                                      
│ ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ │
│ ║ This information is confirmed, how we did it was we checked the Internet Protocol related to his discord accounts.              ║ │
│ ║ A IP from 2023 due to RestoreCord was found, Horror and Stalingrad                                                              ║ │
│ ║ then confirmed the IP they got off his Instagram was confirmed to be him. This leads to one thing, him being 100% in Kentucky.  ║ │
│ ║ His old discord account, that happened to be the same user as a Paypal, that belonged to a "Drake Miller".                      ║ │
│ ║ I then looked for Drake Millers in the area of his IP address, I found a 19 year old Drake Miller. And for those who say        ║ │
│ ║ "He could of been using a VPN", we checked that already. He was not, I would of made a deal, such as;                           ║ │
│ ║ "Make a apology video and Iw on't contact your family", however you are a shitty person, a pedophile, a extorter and a cuck.    ║ │
│ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ │                                                                                                                                    
│ + . + . + . + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + .  + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + │ 
│[0x20 - PERSONAL INFORMATION : NARO]▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█ [scare.sh] │
│                                                                                                                                     │
│.           _,.-----.,_                    ,\                                                                                        │
│	.     .'                       '.             /(        ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗     │
│	.    /~''   ~''   .   ''~   ''~\           /   )        ║   + Name: Dekhoy Dequanna Sutton                              ║     │
│	.   Y   ,--._         _.--.  Y         /  (             ║      = Age: 17-18                                             ║     │
│	.    |  //      '-.  ,-'       \\ |         \    )      ║        = Address: 2054 Vester Gade, St Thomas, VI 00802       ║     │
│	.    |  |¦         }:{         ¦| |           \(        ║          = School: Ivanna Eudora Kean High School             ║     │
│	.    l  i¦        / | \        ¦! l              )\     ║            = Face: https://files.catbox.moe/v9w3tf.png        ║     │
│	,'   (          / / | \ \            ) ',        )   \  ║              = Location of Birth: Saint Thomas, Virginia      ║     │
│	\.____,   ~  \/''\/  ~   .____,/       (      \         ║  Additional;                                                  ║     │
│	. ^.____              __ ___.^          )     /         ║   » Religion: Atheist                                         ║     │
│	.   | |l   _i_ i__i_ i_   !| |                ) /       ║   » Gender: Male                                              ║     │
│	.   | l \/V V VV VV\/ I_|________( /                    ║   » Race: Black                                               ║     │
│	.   l  \ \|_|_|_|_|_|/ / ( __(_______(#)                ║   » Phone Number: (340)•••-0151 [Wireless]                    ║     │
│	.    \  \[T T T T T TI/   /                             ║                                                               ║     │
│	.     \    `^-^-^-^-^-^'    /                           ║  + Aliases          + Groups                                  ║     │
│	.      \        ';,;'       /                           ║   » oSlix_.          » HN                                     ║     │
│	.       \.      ,;,     ,/                              ║   » slix764          » 764                                    ║     │
│	.         ''^-.___,-^                                   ║   » naro                                                      ║     │
│«•SMOKING ON NARO                                              ║   » naroHN                                                    ║     │
│                                                               ║   » naro764                                                   ║     │
│                                                               ║   » uhslix                                                    ║     │
│                                                               ║   » woe                                                       ║     │
│                                                               ║   » wacko                                                     ║     │
│                                                               ║   » allah                                                     ║     │
│                                                               ║   » kysnaroslix                                               ║     │
│                                                               ║   » Party1337                                                 ║     │
│                                                               ║   » Duppy                                                     ║     │
│                                                               ║   » reflix                                                    ║     │
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│                                                               ║  + Discord                                                    ║     │
│                                                               ║   » dks0626                                                   ║     │
│                                                               ║       - ID: 1234306083552497685                               ║     │
│                                                               ║           - Creation Date: April 28, 2024 5:51 PM             ║     │
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│          ¸.˜¨¨¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¨¨¨¨˜˜··--.¸                                                                                                │
│          ¦  ¦                               ¨˜·¸                                                                                    │
│          ¦_'¦_¸,,..--······--..,,¸             ˜·¸                                     SOCIAL MEDIA / EMAIL ADDRESSES               │
│         ¸¦,,¦¸                     ¨¨˜˜··--.,¸     ˜·¸                    ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ │
│         ¨¦¨¨¦¨         ¸,.-·˜¨¨¯¨˜·.¸         `·.¸    ˜·¸                 ║ https://twitch.tv/uhSlix                              ║ │
│          ¦  ¦   ¸,.-·˜¨              ¯¨˜·¸        `·.¸   `¸               ║ https://www.tiktok.com/@sways.evil #OLD / DELETED     ║ │
│          ¦  ¦  ¸˜¨¨¨¯¨˜˜·-.¸            _¸'           `·¸  '¸             ║ https://doxbin.com/user/slix0001                      ║ │
│          ¦  ¦ ¸';;¸'          ¨˜·-.¸     ¨.¸               `·¸'           ║ https://www.tiktok.com/@uhslix                        ║ │
│          ¦ ¸.-'¸;;'¸¸,..¸,  ¸,..--·¸ ¯¨˜·-.¸'¸.,¸                         ║ https://www.tiktok.com/@va.pxzify #OLD / DELETED      ║ │
│          ¸'¸·´ '¸;˜¸¨···¨¸-¸¯¨···¨  ¸';;;;;¸/    ¨˜·-.¸                   ║ https://x.com/uhSlix?mx=2                             ║ │
│       ¸.·'      ¦;;`·,¸ '··´     ¸,.·';;;;¸·˜ '.¸       ˜¸                ║ https://www.roblox.com/users/4293590126/profile       ║ │
│     ¸.´        ˜·¸;;;'¸.¸.¸.¸.'¸'¸.';;;;¸·'       \¸      '¸              ║ https://cash.app/$naro                                ║ │
│     ¸¨¯¯¨˜·¸    '.¸;;`-..,,...-´¸;.·˜¨      ¸·˜¨       ¦                  ║ https://www.deviantart.com/naro                       ║ │
│    ¸'          ¨·.¸  ˜·.¸¸;..;¸¸.·˜¸'  ¸,.-·˜¨           '¸               ║ https://t.me/tekumerimofu                             ║ │
│  ¸.'               '. '¸¸,.·´;;;`·-.¸¦ ¸'                   '¸            ║ =- EMAIL -=                                           ║ │
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│    ¦                ¦;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;¦    -FienÐ-   '¦DEAD BOY NARO LOL ║ [email protected] = google instagram microsoft ║ │
│  =- FILLING INFORMATION -=                                                ║ twitter vimeo, amazon imgur replit wattpad            ║ │
│  Grandma;                                                                 ║ [email protected] = facebook google microsoft     ║ │
│    = Bernice Rhymer Henry                                                 ║ bitmoji snapchat                                      ║ │
│      = Death Age: 59 July 19, at Davis Funeral Home Chapel                ║ =- RECOVERY -=                                        ║ │
│                                                                           ║ [email protected]                          ║ │
│                                                                           ║ [dek•••••••••••••@gmail.com]                          ║ │
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                   ENDING CREDITS
║ t.me/pub141                t.me/scareannouncements ║
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