dox by Evangelic 7979

empathy#1488 Full Profile Report
Location: Texas, United States
First Name: Kaleb
Alleged Last Name: Kosovo (TBC)
Inactive old email: OR
Known for: Child sexual offence, manipulating children 17 and potentially younger into cutting themselves and writing his name (Kaleb) onto their wrists and legs, encourage suicide, Nazism and white supremacist, and Pridefalling
History: Initially believed they were bisexual when they were younger. Were converted by an alt-righter (somehow) to be a closeted hate speech fucked up gay. Suicidal. Enjoys seeing people in pain.
Image 1: Kaleb at age 15
Image 2: Kaleb at his current alleged age, 20
Evidence 1: 
There is plenty of evidence resurfacing on his tactics
Alleged owner of
Latest victim: belle 8246
Known social media: 4chan, Instagram (
Image 1:
Image 2:
Evidence 1 (disturbing):
What you can do: Report him to

Thank you, spread peace, not hate.