Full name: Emoni Nicole Hooks
Old email: exf0rmation@gmail.com
Current email: faultysolutions@gmail.com
Phone number: +1-918-378-7934
Address: E 58th St N, Tulsa, OK 74126, USA
Brothers: Jeremy, and Kevion. (kevion has charges for robbing a prosthetic leg and strapping it onto his head whilst walking out) isnt even legless.
Sisters: Jurnee, (and janice but they're not alive anymore.)
Mother: Ellen Aileen Hooks
Birthday: April 21nd
Most used password: faultysolutions
Discord: emoniboo -ID- 1178616268518068236
password: Youstupidnigger -- OLD (better to use token) -> MTE3ODYxNjI2ODUxODA2ODIzNg.Gj12D7.tabvtIeyOQcz-igS0znGUKO4kvY_rBXZTOR0UE -- OLD

Snapchat: alfredalferr 
password: Unknown

Tiktok: Swordfight3r - https://www.tiktok.com/@swordfight3r
password: Unknown