                        ║                                                                        ║
                        ║                ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║       
                        ║                ║         0x00 Table Of Contents      ║                 ║                    
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                           
                        ║                ║         0x01 Introduction           ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x02 Face Pic(s)            ║                 ║             
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                           
                        ║                ║         0x03 Basics                 ║                 ║                 
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                           
                        ║                ║         0x04 Address                ║                 ║       
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                
                        ║                ║         0x05 Socials                ║                 ║     
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                
                        ║                ║         0x06 Education              ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                            
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                   
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║          
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                               
                        ║                ║         0x09 Emails                 ║                 ║       
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                         
                        ║                ║         0x010 Passwords             ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║           
                        ║                ║         0x011 Family                ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x012 Parents contact       ║                 ║ 
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x013 Family lineage        ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x014 Outro + credits       ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝                 ║
                        ║                                                                        ║

   ║ 0x01                       Introductions                                                                       ║

                                           │ Doxed By: kslf
                                           │ Cause: chronically online ewhore

   ║ 0x02                       Face Pic(s)                                                                         ║

                                           ˅ Face Pics
                                           │ https://ibb.co/F3288twhttps://ibb.co/q5Gbyn5https://ibb.co/dfRXc7shttps://ibb.co/dfRXc7s

   ║ 0x03                       Basic                                                                               ║

                                           ˅ Name............ Emma Ampey
                                           │ Alias........... Vertaine 

                                           ˅ DOB............ N/A                                                
                                           │ Age............ N/A
                                           │ Sex............ Female      
                                           ˅ Human Stats.... 
                                           │ Height......... Probably short
                                           │ Weight......... Fat as shit

                                             Number......... (319) 310-4008

   ║ 0x04                       Address                                                                             ║

      /              \                     ˅ Address............ 3701 Foxborough Ter NE APT B, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (CURRENT)
     /                \                    │ FATHERS ADDRESS | 1065 McGowan Blvd, MARION IOWA
     /                \                    │ PAST ADDRESSES | 1165 Mcgowan Blvd Marion IA 52302	209 11th St Marion IA 52302			
     /                \                    │ SQFT............... 1,162 SqFt. 
    /__________________\                   │ Bedrooms........... 2
     ││  ││ /--\ ││  ││                    │ Bathrooms.......... 1  
     ││[]││ │ .│ ││[]││                    │ Last house listing.  
   ()││__││_│__│_││__││()                  ˄   
  ( )│-│-│-│====│-│-│-│( )
                                           ˅ Tax rate...........  
                                           │ Estimated Value $124,500
                                           │ Last Sale Amount $118,000

                                           ˅  Pics of exterior..                               
                                           │ https://ibb.co/QmPyqJy                 

   ║ 0x05                       Socials                                                                             ║

                                           │  Instagram.......... hrts4emmq     
                                           │  Snapchat........... pimping_emma                                                    		
                                           │  Discord............ vertaine      
                                           │  ID................. 1192239639369625744        
                                           │  TikTok............. ineedemmaa   

   ║ 0x06                       Education                                                                           ║

 		     		           ˅ Schools Name..... Kennedy High School
 		     		           │ Principal ........ Jason Kline
           . 	 		           │ Website .......... https://kennedy.crschools.us
          /_\  		     		   │ Phone Number..... 319-558-2251
          |Q|	                           │ Grade............ 10th
    .-----' '-----.  		           ˄
    | []       [] |
    | []       [] |
    |	 .-.-.	  |                        ˅ Socials............
  ..|____|_|_|____| 		     	   │ Facebook.......... https://www.facebook.com/crkennedyhigh
		                           │ Instagram........... https://www.instagram.com/crkennedyprincipal/

   ║ 0x09                       Email                                                                               ║

 		     		           │ N/A

   ║ 0x011                      Family                                                                              ║

                                ˅ Father..... Kyle Ampey                                                                                                               
                                │ DOB........ N/A                       
                                │ Age........ 42 

          │6 6│                
          \ - /  
   .@@@. __) (__   
   @6 6@/  \./  \               ˅ Mother.....  N/A
   @ = @ :  :  : \              │ DOB........ N/A
   _) (_'│  :  │) )             │ Age........ N/A
 /' \./ '\  :  │_/              ˄ 
/ /\ _ /\ \=o==│)  
\ \ )  (/ /%│%%'             
 '7/    \7%%│%%'                
   │    │`%%│%%'
   │    │`%%│%%'
   │_.._│ /_│_\                 ˅ Address............     1065 Mcgowan BlvdMarion IA 52302
                                │ Bedrooms........... 3
                                │ SQFT............... 1,634 Sq Ft   
                                │ Bathrooms.......... 2
                                │ Last house listing.  

   ║ 0x012                       Parents contact                                                                    ║
                                ˅ Father....... Kyle Ampey
                                │Phone number.. N/A
                                │Email......... kintheam@gmail.com

   ║ 0x13                       Family Lineage                                                                      ║
	              (Use fastpeoplesearch.com to obtain lineage.)
                                │   Anthony Ampey                                                                
   ║ 0x14                       Outro n' credits                                                                    ║