Manipulative, Insensitive, and egotistical e-slut.
Telegram with her NSFW soon.

Name: Emma Fazio
Number: +1 (570) 507-1732
Address: 1107 Frieda St,Scranton, PA 18519
Discord: @zooweemamabazinga (ID: 713269601726758973)
Instagram: betterinmemory

                       Name: Graceanne Fazio
                       Age: 22
                       Number: +1 (570) 892-1982
                       Address: 1107 Frieda St, Scranton, PA 18519

                       Name: Andrew A. Fazio Jr
                       Age: 41
                       Number: (570) 604-9359
                       Address: 327 Field St, Dunmore, PA 18512