      _                                    _     _                 _                                                  _       _  _      ___     ___     ___    _ 
   __| |   ___   __  __ __  __   ___    __| |   | |__    _   _    (_)   __ _   _ __     ___    _ __    __ _   _ __   | |_   _| || |_   / _ \   / _ \   / _ \  / |
  / _` |  / _ \  \ \/ / \ \/ /  / _ \  / _` |   | '_ \  | | | |   | |  / _` | | '_ \   / _ \  | '__|  / _` | | '_ \  | __| |_  ..  _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
 | (_| | | (_) |  >  <   >  <  |  __/ | (_| |   | |_) | | |_| |   | | | (_| | | | | | | (_) | | |    | (_| | | | | | | |_  |_      _| | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |
  \__,_|  \___/  /_/\_\ /_/\_\  \___|  \__,_|   |_.__/   \__, |   |_|  \__, | |_| |_|  \___/  |_|     \__,_| |_| |_|  \__|   |_||_|    \___/   \___/   \___/  |_|
                                                         |___/         |___/                                                                                     
Reason of Dox: Fucking high ass ego retard on discord thinks they can "Run" people behind their backs then proceeds to dick ride them once they're confronted
Disclaimer: this dox is very short and im not even sure if i should count this as a "dox" also because this dude is a pussy and has no connections or friends what so ever so you cannot find any info on him.
                                                                         0x1(general info)
                                                                         0x3(ip info)

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 | | | | \ \/ / | |
 | |_| |  >  <  | |
  \___/  /_/\_\ |_|
Name: Ell ( not confirmed) 
City : Guildford
Country Code: GB
Country : United Kingdom         
Postal/ZIP Code : GU1
Education : Guildford High School
   ___           ____  
  / _ \  __  __ |___ \ 
 | | | | \ \/ /   __) |
 | |_| |  >  <   / __/ 
  \___/  /_/\_\ |_____|
TIkTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ellismxlin
InstaGram: https://www.instagram.com/ellismxlin/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCae6grHLj5BauhqQbHdDcDA (outdated)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/itpsuwhj9baxqs7plh8iimxwe
XBox : ellismxlin
   ___           _____ 
  / _ \  __  __ |___ / 
 | | | | \ \/ /   |_ \ 
 | |_| |  >  <   ___) |
  \___/  /_/\_\ |____/ 
IP Address
Internet Service Provider    BT Public Internet Service
Internet Organization
Hostname    host86-149-253-220.range86-149.btcentralplus.com
latitude    51.2362
longitude    -0.570409
Postal/ZIP Code    GU1
city    Guildford
Country Code    GB
Country    United Kingdom
continent_code    EU
Continent Name    Europe
region    England
district    Surrey
timezone_name    Europe/London
connection_type    Corporate
asn_number    2856
asn_org    British Telecommunications PLC
asn    AS2856 - British Telecommunications PLC
currency_code    GBP
currency_name    Pound Sterling

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