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    |    ➤ First name: Ella 
    |    ➤ Last name: Humphreys
    |    ➤ Age: 18
    |    ➤ Location: Cranebrook, 2749
    |    ➤ Location of birth: Nepean Hospital
    |    ➤ IP: NFA
    |    ➤ Native race: Australian
    |    ➤ Native Language: English
    |    ➤
    |    ➤ 
███████  ██████ ██   ██  ██████   ██████  ██          ██ ███    ██ ███████  ██████  
██      ██      ██   ██ ██    ██ ██    ██ ██          ██ ████   ██ ██      ██    ██ 
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███████  ██████ ██   ██  ██████   ██████  ███████     ██ ██   ████ ██       ██████  
    |    ➤ Name: The Lakes Christian Collage 
    |    ➤ Mobile Number: (02) 4708 9800
    |    ➤ Address: 206 E Wilchard Road, Castlereagh
    |    ➤ Email: office@thelakescc.nsw.edu.au
    |    ➤ 
    |    ➤ Principal: Darren Dick
    |    ➤ Deputy:
    |    ➤ Colours 1:Black
    |    ➤ Colours 2:Red
    |    Colour 3:White
██   ██  ██████  ███    ███ ███████     ██ ███    ██ ███████  ██████  
██   ██ ██    ██ ████  ████ ██          ██ ████   ██ ██      ██    ██ 
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██   ██  ██████  ██      ██ ███████     ██ ██   ████ ██       ██████                                                                        ╔──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗                                                    
    |    ➤ Address: 38 FireBall Ave, 2749 Cranebrook
    |    ➤ Year Build: 1990
    |    ➤ Seller: Jasmyn Calgaro
    |    ➤ Bedrooms: 7 
    |    ➤ Bathrooms: 3
    |    ➤ Garage: 2
    |    ➤ Meters: 210
    |    ➤ Value: 1.08m
    |    ➤ Land Size: 653
    |    ➤ Type: House
    |    ➤ Last sale: 786,000
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██      ██    ██ ██      ██ ██   ██ ██      ██      
███████ ██    ██ ██      ██ ███████ ██      ███████ 
     ██ ██    ██ ██      ██ ██   ██ ██           ██ 
███████  ██████   ██████ ██ ██   ██ ███████ ███████                                                     
    |    ➤ SnapChat: ellah_roxy4
    |    ➤ Instagram: ellehroxy_
    |    ➤ Tiktok: .ellahroxy
    |    ➤ Tiktok2: ellahumphreys
    |    ➤ Snap2: Ellah.main
    |    ➤ Mobile number: 0434 634 886
    |    ➤  