________ __ ___ ____ ____ ____ _____ ___ ______ / ____/ / / / / | / __ \/ __ \/ __ \/__ / / | / ____/ / __/ / / / / / /| | / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / / /| |/ / / /___/ /___/ /___/ ___ | / ____/ _, _/ /_/ / / /__/ ___ / /___ /_____/_____/_____/_/ |_| /_/ /_/ |_|\____/ /____/_/ |_\____/ by lech764 Statement [+]=========================================================================[+] I first learned of ella from sorrwo (Thomas Koenig) and he told me that her claim to fame was 300 dollars that she beamed on ogu. Upon confronting her about it she got sassy and I then offered to add her to a gc where we could compare funds. While we were taking turns showing off cash, btc, clothing she admitted the most she ever had was 8k and made a bunch of miserable attempts to flex https://a.pomf.cat/uypltw.MOV (groupchat video) After this I figured out she was pretty easily manipulated and decided to troll. After talking for a bit she kept blocking me so I decided to start compiling info on her including details on her mothers murder (very triggering for ella) and more new info so sit back and enjoy! (https://www.cleveland19.com/story/14591042/true-story-mom-busted-for-putting-booze-in-her-babys-bottle/) Her mother getting arrested for giving ellas sister alcohol (https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2015/02/authorities_name_cleveland_wom.html) News Report on her mothers murder (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyikKzMSKFY) Video on the murder (If taken down comment and I will provide a download) HALL OF AUTISM (may update later prolly not) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── https://a.pomf.cat/jbggrb.jpg (PACKWATCH2022#OPPDOWN) https://a.pomf.cat/qvcqqa.MOV (Infamous panting video, had to upscale from an obs recording will update when I get original) https://a.pomf.cat/pvmvol.jpg (telling my asian best friend im extorting her) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Notable Dms: https://a.pomf.cat/mtwwkc.jpg (First time extorted?) https://a.pomf.cat/vfveaw.jpg (No ego) https://a.pomf.cat/uatyko.jpg (Confirming her old pseudonym) https://a.pomf.cat/hgkfpy.jpg (Suicidal) PERSONAL INFO [+]=========================================================================[+] Name................... Ellikah Williams Psuedonyms............. Gabby Williams (Used when she was younger, Seen on her youtube channel and twitter) (https://a.pomf.cat/pbahzl.jpg) Alias.................. Ella Prozac Neko Meepsocool PaisleyHearts House.................. 1708 Rustic Trail Unit #9, Parma OH 44134 (Hops between this house and her uncles) Education.............. High School Diploma (Graduated 2022) Age.................... 18 Phone Number........... +1 832-773-9607 (TMobile ESim https://a.pomf.cat/xojeoh.jpg) Relationship Status.... Single Sexualty............... Claims to be Asexual (https://a.pomf.cat/nlzdwj.jpg) Race................... White (German and Swedish) Picture(s)............. https://a.pomf.cat/pevxcz.jpg https://a.pomf.cat/nwcfxg.mov https://a.pomf.cat/hrphca.MOV https://a.pomf.cat/lsufcp.jpg https://a.pomf.cat/tglatn.MOV https://a.pomf.cat/kzfzwh.mp4 https://a.pomf.cat/inadts.mp4 (actually so fucked) I'm sure there are HUNDREDS more so if you have any youd like to see on the dox dm me Email(s)............... puppymom345@icloud.com (Imsg Email) promising@gmail.com (Active, used on Discord, Duolingo, and Doordash) ✟--------------------⊹----------------------✟ >[SOCIALS]< Instagram: https://instagram.com/ell4 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdRL-JZQ4xjjWiTTA2NRJTA (Inactive) Twitter: https://twitter.com/Meepsocool (Sus'd) https://twitter.com/imaginary (Sus'd) Discord: haha xd#9068 (Due to how fast Ella runs through accounts this will probably be incorrect by the time this paste is published) ID: 1057832568923377814 ✟--------------------⊹----------------------✟ Will update the dox with more lines and info later im super tired and I just want this out rn no seriously im very tired and im not online all that much anymore dont expect the full version to come out soon and considering how little i really care atm i doubt it will, only time will tell. credits: lech764, marcy, soulja boy (crank that) shoutout icemop (hi)