______ _   _ _____  _   __ ___________  ________   __
                                            |  ___| | | /  __ \| | / /|  ___|  _  \ | ___ \ \ / /
                                            | |_  | | | | /  \/| |/ / | |__ | | | | | |_/ /\ V / 
                                            |  _| | | | | |    |    \ |  __|| | | | | ___ \ \ /  
                                            | |   | |_| | \__/\| |\  \| |___| |/ /  | |_/ / | |  
                                            \_|    \___/ \____/\_| \_/\____/|___/   \____/  \_/  

                                                      ███████ ██████  ██     ██ ██ ███    ██ 
                                                      ██      ██   ██ ██     ██ ██ ████   ██ 
                                                      █████   ██████  ██  █  ██ ██ ██ ██  ██ 
                                                      ██      ██   ██ ██ ███ ██ ██ ██  ██ ██ 
                                                      ███████ ██   ██  ███ ███  ██ ██   ████ 

                                                                REST IN SHIT FURFAG

                                        ║                           INTRODUCTION                           ║
                                        ║                                                                  ║
                                        ║    Reason:                                                       ║
                                        ║                                                                  ║
                                        ║    - She is one of most known nsfw furry artists.                ║
                                        ║      Furry porn is zoophillia logical so get doxxed zoo!         ║
                                        ║                                                                  ║
                                        ║    Information:                                                  ║
                                        ║                                                                  ║
                                        ║    - Doxx made with Enjoyment by Erwin Wermach.                  ║
                                        ║                                                                  ║


                                                      ____                                 _ 
                                                     |  _ \ ___ _ __ ___  ___  _ __   __ _| |
                                                     | |_) / _ \ '__/ __|/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | |
                                                     |  __/  __/ |  \__ \ (_) | | | | (_| | |
                                                     |_|   \___|_|  |___/\___/|_| |_|\__,_|_|
                                                     ↳ Full Name: Оксана Eipril Сухарева - (Oksana Eipril Sukhareva)
                                                     ↳ Alias: Eipril, Eipril Foos, Eipril_Foss, EiprilFoss, eiprilanimations, kcynchik
                                                     ↳ Relationship: встречается с Ильей Sayonaro Лапшиным - (meets with Ilya Sayonaro Lapshin)
                                                     ↳ Dob: 1994-02-04 - (04.02.1994)
                                                     ↳ Gender: F - (Female)
                                                     ↳ Face + Bf: https://i.ibb.co/9ygnmNH/Na-PBZHyt-DVUBt-Hbp-Jbkl3f-GMMr-qxt-hd-Dl56dcm6-TM-GD5-GHkc-EBB0-P52s9-x-VD4-Wt-B5-Aaq-O2-Fjxt-Xa-YE.jpg
                                                     ↳ Country: Ru - (Russia)
                                                     ↳ City: Moscow
                                                       ↳ DOCUMENTS RELATED:
                                                         ↳ Adress: Россия, Москва г, г Москва, 119618, Богданова ул, д. 6, кор. 1, кв. 432 - (Ulitsa Bogdanova, 6 корпус 1, 432, Moskva, Russland, 119618)
                                                         ↳ Home Pic: https://i.ibb.co/bd84g6Q/Screenshot-2023-12-18-205551.png
                                                         ↳ Register Date: 2020-08-13 14:07:02
                                                         ↳ Document Number: 4518 765900, выдан 16.08.2018 ГУ МВД РОССИИ ПО Г. МОСКВЕ 770069 - (4518 765900, issued on August 16, 2018 by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow 770069)
                                                         ↳ Branch: 770-069
                                                         ↳ SNILS number: 15160197945
                                                         ↳ Taxpayer number: 772973645258
                                                         ↳ Date of Issue: 16.08.2018
                                                         ↳ Passport ID: 765900
                                                         ↳ Passport Series: 4518
                                                         ↳ Passport issued by: ГУ МВД РОССИИ ПО Г. МОСКВЕ - (Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow)
                                                         ↳ Status: GOOD
                                                         ↳ Vehicle Region Number: SAD
                                                         ↳ Vehicle Number: В004МН199

                                                      ____       _            _       
                                                     |  _ \ _ __(_)_   ____ _| |_ ___ 
                                                     | |_) | '__| \ \ / / _` | __/ _ \
                                                     |  __/| |  | |\ V / (_| | ||  __/
                                                     |_|   |_|  |_| \_/ \__,_|\__\___|
                                                     ↳ Emails: kcynchik@rambler.ru / kcynchik@gmail.com
                                                     ↳ Phone: 79153835802 - (+7 915 383-58-02)

                                                      _            _        
                                                     | | ___  __ _| | _____ 
                                                     | |/ _ \/ _` | |/ / __|
                                                     | |  __/ (_| |   <\__ \
                                                     ↳ its TO MUCH to list here but basicly
                                                       the full russian gov got leaked ones RIP

                                                      ____             _       _ 
                                                     / ___|  ___   ___(_) __ _| |
                                                     \___ \ / _ \ / __| |/ _` | |
                                                      ___) | (_) | (__| | (_| | |
                                                     |____/ \___/ \___|_|\__,_|_|
                                                     ↳ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Eipril_Foss
                                                     ↳ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eiprilanimations
                                                     ↳ Pornhub: https://pornhub.com/model/eipril_foss
                                                     ↳ Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/eipril/
                                                     ↳ Newgrounds: https://eipril.newgrounds.com/
                                                     ↳ E621: https://e621.net/artists/7627
                                                     ↳ Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/eipril
                                                     ↳ Linktree: https://linktr.ee/eiprilfoss
                                                     ↳ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/eipril
                                                     ↳ Liveinternet: https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/kcynchik/profile/
                                                     ↳ Vk: https://vk.com/id5789778
                                                     ↳ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@eiprilfoss2294 (NOT OFFICAL)