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                                                                  PART I: PIXIE DEATH BED
                                                                  MAY GOD BE WITH YOU ALL.
                                                                  WELCOME HACKERS/DOXERS.

                                                                  000000000   0000                 
                                                                  000     _     0000                  
                                                   0000000        000    | |     0000                    
                                                000000000000       000    ‾     0000             0000000000  
                                                00000 0000          0000        000            000000000000000
                                                 0000  0000           0000000000             00000   _   00000
                                                 0000  0000                        00000    00000   | |   00000
                                                 0000   0000                      000000    0 00     ‾    00000
                                                 0000    00000                000000000      0000       00000
                                                 0000     00000             000000000000      000000000000     
                                                  0000     000000           000000000000                       
                                                  00000        0000000000000000    000                           
                                                   0000             000000000000000000                        000000
                                                    0000                  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
                                                     0000        COURTBOX         0000000000000000000000000000000   
                                                       00000                                           0000000       
                                                        000000                  FADED                00000
                                                             00000000000000000                 000000000

                                                                       [=     CREDITS      =]
                                                                          \   courtbox   /
                                                                          /     JWXR      \
                                                                      _/      Contents      \_
                                                                      #+--  Introduction  --+#
                                                                      +#--    Credits     --#+
                                                                      #+--    Personal    --+#
                                                                      +#--     Mother     --#+
                                                                      +#--  Property Info --#+

]                                                                        [
[   d8888b. d88888b d8888b. .d8888.  .d88b.  d8b   db  .d8b.  db         ]
]   88  `8D 88'     88  `8D 88'  YP .8P  Y8. 888o  88 d8' `8b 88         [
[   88oodD' 88ooooo 88oobY' `8bo.   88    88 88V8o 88 88ooo88 88         ]
]   88~~~   88~~~~~ 88`8b     `Y8b. 88    88 88 V8o88 88~~~88 88         [
[   88      88.     88 `88. db   8D `8b  d8' 88  V888 88   88 88booo.    ]
]   88      Y88888P 88   YD `8888Y'  `Y88P'  VP   V8P YP   YP Y88888P    [
[                                                                        ]

Name ● Zayda Fernandaz
Age ● 18
Sex ● Female 
Birth ● 02/1/2007
House Address ● 50-18 broadway, flushing, ny 11377 aparment {building LOL POORON}
Social Media ● discord-conduct#0001
Face Pic ● https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/949445766173294673/976907103128145990/IMG_6241.jpg?width=228&height=405
dad pic ● https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/949445766173294673/977973309478142052/IMG_6441.jpg?width=305&height=406
phone number ● 3476988628
pixie stop talking to middle school boys while youre in highschool, stop being a online whore.
more information is being gathered on her just wait.


]                                                            [
[    .88b  d88.  .d88b.  d888888b db   db d88888b d8888b.    ]
]    88'YbdP`88 .8P  Y8. `~~88~~' 88   88 88'     88  `8D    [
[    88  88  88 88    88    88    88ooo88 88ooooo 88oobY'    ]
]    88  88  88 88    88    88    88~~~88 88~~~~~ 88`8b      [
[    88  88  88 `8b  d8'    88    88   88 88.     88 `88.    ]
]    YP  YP  YP  `Y88P'     YP    YP   YP Y88888P 88   YD    [
[                                                            ]

Name ● Jennifer Fernandaz
Age ● 45/46
Birth ● 8/1976 or November 30th, 1975
House adress ● 50-18 broadway, flushing, ny 11377 aparment
Previous Addresses ● 111 Kelly Blvd

Staten Island NY 10314
Richmond County
Recorded July 2003
Home Phone: (718) 524-5898
69 Woodcrest Rd
Staten Island NY 10303
Richmond County
Recorded June 2015
Home Phone: (718) 524-5898
5 Windham Loop, Unit 1J
Staten Island NY 10314
Richmond County
Recorded November 2013
Home Phone: (718) 524-5898
2436 E 24th St
Brooklyn NY 11235
Kings County
Recorded December 2004
6912 20th Ave
Brooklyn NY 11204
Kings County
Recorded July 2003
Home Phone: (718) 331-9405
244 Bay 35th St
Brooklyn NY 11214
Kings County
Recorded December 2000
21 Paerdegat 12th St
Brooklyn NY 11236
Kings County
Recorded July 2000
1853 Bay Ridge Ave
Brooklyn NY 11204
Kings County
Recorded July 1999 

More Information ● 
Wealth (59)	
Donor (60)	
Travel (69)	
Ethnicity	Western European
Language	English
Religion	Protestant 
Social Media ●
        EMAIL - jena021@juno.com
        EMAIL - mattsmom1@gmail.com
        EMAIL - jennifer.rhodes@att.net
        EMAIL - mattsmom@gmail.com
        EMAIL - jennifer.rhodes829@gmail.com

phone numbers ● (347)698-8628 hers and her mothers phone???
(347) 863-6979
(718) 524-5898
(718) 259-2342
(718) 996-4458
(214) 705-8586
(347) 452-9489
(347) 698-8628
(718) 331-9405

Relatives ●  
John Rhodes	56	Oct 1965
Eva A Rhodes	33	May 1989
Eva E Rhodes		1971
Barbara B Rhodes		1962
Barbara Bernice Rhodes		Nov 1942
Chaquan R Rhodes	29	Aug 1992
Christopher J Rhodes	55	Oct 1966
Courtney Rhodes		1990
Eva A Rhodes		1971
Forest Rhodes	71	Mar 1951
Ina Rhodes	74	Apr 1948
Laterria Nashee Rhodes	28	Jul 1993
Lynn Lewis Rhodes Jr		Jan 1620
Lynn Lewis Rhodes Sr	49	Sep 1972
Marion K Rhodes	55	Sep 1966
Marion K Rhodes	34	May 1988
Sequandria B Rhodes	39	Jan 1983
Terry D Rhodes Jr	37	May 1985
Terry D Rhodes Jr	60	Feb 1962
Terry L Rhodes	55	Oct 1966
Turk R Rhodes	55	Sep 1966
Tuyqun Rhodes	25	Mar 1997
Tyquan K Rhodes	25	Mar 1997

Associates ● 
Angela R Defilippis	41	Nov 1980
Jamie Riggi	43	Aug 1978
John H Ardi	77	Sep 1944
Alketa Rafti	50	May 1972
Sandra Martinez		Nov 1964
Vanessa L Greco	46	Oct 1975
Vittoria S Randazzo	51	Apr 1971
Carmela Salerno		1931
Francesco Salerno	97	Jul 1924
John S Petrosino	93	Jan 1929

little more info ● 
Wealth (59)	
Donor (60)	
Travel (69)	
Ethnicity	Western European
Language	English
Religion	Protestant

IP ADDRESSES: (Dec 2020)


]                                                                        [
[   d8888b. d8888b.  .d88b.  d8888b. d88888b d8888b. d888888b db    db   ]
]   88  `8D 88  `8D .8P  Y8. 88  `8D 88'     88  `8D `~~88~~' `8b  d8'   [
[   88oodD' 88oobY' 88    88 88oodD' 88ooooo 88oobY'    88     `8bd8'    ]
]   88~~~   88`8b   88    88 88~~~   88~~~~~ 88`8b      88       88      [
[   88      88 `88. `8b  d8' 88      88.     88 `88.    88       88      ]
]   88      88   YD  `Y88P'  88      Y88888P 88   YD    YP       YP      [
[                                                                        ]

                                                                ● INFORMATION FOR HOUSE ADDRESS ● 

 Tax History
2021$3,291 (+17.02%)$1,967$17,358$19,325
2020$3,310 (+17.33%)$1,967$17,132$19,099
2019$3,284 (+19.77%)$1,967$14,642$16,609
2017$2,815 (+20.38%)$1,733$12,080$13,813
2016$2,605 (+19.99%)$1,697$11,335$13,032
2015$2,548 (+19.55%)$1,556$11,476$13,032
2014$2,265 (+17.51%)$1,855$11,078$12,933
2013$2,095 (+17.17%)$1,755$10,446$12,201
2012$1,977 (+17.17%)$1,579$9,932$11,511

Property Details ● 
● Condominium
● Home Size: 972 sq ft
● Lot Size: 219,258 sq ft
● Built in 1986
● Parcel Number: 01495-1170
● County: Richmond
● Subdivision: CYPRESS CREST CONDO 03
● Census: 2
● Tract: 30301
● Lot: 1170
● Zoning: R3-2
● Legal: LOT:1170 BLK:1495 SEC:701 DIST:02

Property Type
Average Home Price
Registered Offenders
0 within 1 mile
School Rating
C+ for 22 Peter St 
Crime Rate
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠹⡄⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⢹⡇⠀⠀⠀ may god be with you all.
⠀⠀⢀⡾⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⣿⣿⠋⠉⠛⠂⠹⠿⣲⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀        proof:https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/946299341394571304/982067296388382730/IMG_7236.png?width=614&height=406
⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⣷⡈⠿⢿⣿⡆                 update:she has got swatted and is going to get swatted again.
btw getting more information still not finished w dox. thank you for reading.