║                      statements                        ║
liar, gaslighter, manipulator, unloyal, whore, bitch, attention seeker, plays niggas on discord (stop edating its just sad)
Lies people that her parents are dead just to get them to feel bad (attention whore) and then manipulates them.
Lied on god’s name and after that said “god doesn’t exist anyways” bitchass kill urself u gon burn in hell lmao
Add and spam all her socials, send her weird shit or do whatever u want,
do ur thing fellows <33
║                       information                      ║
Gender: Female
Race: White
Name: Zaya
Age: 16
Country: Ireland
City: Dublin 
Address: 15A Coburg Pl, North Dock, Dublin, D01 K7C1, ireland
House: https://ibb.co/NjHqvp5 (pretty sure its the left door)
Sluttyass pics: 
║                          Ip                            ║

Type: ipv4

Continent: Europe (EU)

Country: Ireland (IE)

Region: Leinster (L)

City: Dublin

Latitude and longitude: 53.353889465332 N -6.2433300018311 E

ISP: AS6830 Liberty Global B.V.
║                         socials                        ║
discord: zaya.aaa (1068937663693987841)
instagram: iluvjoaofelix
snapchat: Zayaaaa.as
tiktok: zaya8734 (definitely an alt)
roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/3467410907/profile
║                        contact me                      ║
I do not take any responsibilities for what is done with this information, as it was obtained legaly!
Would love some help aswell
discord: 572947

                 Please kill yourself!

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