girl named Bella false claimed slit signs and carves
She lives near a museum, she got swatted back in 2020
She also got abused when she was 10 years old by her da and mom
she likes to lie saying she’s gonna kill her self over her little e boy 
I got information saying that her number is linked to a text now number
her number is also linked to a Facebook account that’s under her moms name
[ phone number : 352-900-7940 ]
Phone Number: (352) 900-7940
Date of this Report: October 28, 2023
Phone Line Type: VOIP
Phone Company: TEXTNOW
Phone Location: GAINESVILLE, FL
Her dad started drinking when she was 4 years old
Virtual Phone Score:
Virtual phone numbers like Google Voice, non-fixed VOIP services and burner apps can be identified with this tool.
VOIP 90%
{"lata": "45402",
    "number": "3529007940",
    "ocn": "937C",
    "portable": true,
    "rate_center": "GAINESVILLE",
   "state": "FL"}
Her moms / sisters Facebook is linked to the number 
That she has linked onto her text now number
her sister lives in a apartment complex in Florida
Her complex number is 937c in Florida Gainesville

Bella also catfishes and lied about her age and what she looks like
Her weight is 241.50 pounds, her mom is around 300
Mrs,Bella lives near one museum named 

1. Cade museum for creativity and inventions 
[ phone number : 352-371-8001 ] only on sundays to make an appointment 
At 10 pm lol.
2. Florida Museum of natural history exhibits 
Her mother was abused by her father, and her mother posted it
On Facebook LMFAO, “ I need to get out of this house “
She has a step father that is around 35 years old and he weighs 235.34 pounds

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀created by cross⠀⠀