

╠══════════════════════════════════════════════╣ Personal info ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
➤ Nickname: dunp2

➤ Fullname: Volovodyuk Alexander Vyacheslavovich

➤ Date of birth: 11.10.2008

➤ Phone: 79683879691

➤ Photo: https://ibb.co/ngF1fc3

➤ Country: Russia
➤ City: Istra
➤ Address: 10 Fadeeva Street, apartment 7, Krasny settlement, Moscow Region, Russia
                                   Socials Networks

➤ Telegram: @dunp2
➤ Telegram ID: 6487863666/1062985099
➤ VKontakte: https://vk.com/id778845834

╠══════════════════════════════════════════════╣ Family info ╠════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
➤ Fullname: Volovodyuk Mariana Alexandrovna
➤ Date of birth: 04.08.1986
➤ Phone: +79320002111
➤ Email: mariem0408@mail.ru ; marine0408@mail.ru ; maya@poshvu.ru
➤ Adress: 10 Fadeeva Street, apartment 7, Krasny settlement, Moscow Region, Russia
➤ Passport: 0501 FE910011
➤ VIN: 1В3ЕL36Х64N389272
➤ Viber: https://viber.click/79320002111
➤ Telegram: @Mariem_decorr ; id: 1051855366
➤ FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001104678270
➤ Instagram: https://instagram.com/mariem_decor
➤ VKontakte: https://vk.com/id16047443
➤ Photo: https://ibb.co/tPVWR2k
➤ Fullname: Volovodyuk Vyacheslav Sergeevich
➤ Date of birth: 07.04 1986
➤ Phone: +79852242111
➤ Email: aprel_0777@mail.ru ; volovod.v@gmail.com
➤ Adress: 10 Fadeeva Street, apartment 7, Krasny settlement, Moscow Region, Russia
➤ Passport: 0501 ER650320
➤ Vkontakte: https://vk.com/id36173512
➤ VIN: Z94G2811АНR022629
➤ Instagram: https://instagram.com/viacheslavvolov
➤ Photo: https://ibb.co/tYxPzB3

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