backstory: dunniella and her friends are physically bullying and sexually harrassing a classmate of theirs and sometimes
stalking her to her house and taking pictures of her highlighting sensitive parts as they're wearing a uniform.

first name = dunniella
second name = francoisse
last name = de chavez
birthdate = may 27th, 2007
discord = n/a
race = asian
age = 16
eye color = dark brown
hair color = black
face = https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1091700328447082642/1149196000125263913/Screenshot_20230906_223715.jpg

address = 119 Sinag Manila, Metro Manila
email address = dunfrancois@gmail.com

facebook = Duni Dumplings
instagram = theyluvdundunn

known relatives:
Vlanie Flores (mother of dunniella)
Vladimir Flores (father of dunniella)
Angelina Canteras Aronica (mother of elaisa)

known friends that contributed to the harrassment and bullying:
Cyrus Hernandez Dacanay (the one that stalks and also touches)
Elaisa Anne Aronica (the one that physically hurts her)
Kristine Anub Galvez (another one that physically hurts her)