______ ________ ______ ______ ______ /_____/\ /_______/\/_____/\ /_____/\ /_____/\ \:::_ \ \\__.::._\/\:::_ \ \\::::_\/_\:::_ \ \ \:(_) \ \ \::\ \ \:(_) \ \\:\/___/\\:(_) ) )_ \: ___\/ _\::\ \__\: ___\/ \::___\/_\: __ `\ \ \ \ \ /__\::\__/\\ \ \ \:\____/\\ \ `\ \ \ \_\/ \________\/ \_\/ \_____\/ \_\/ \_\/ ~ Talk shit, get hit ~ ==================================== Reason ~: Talking shit, immature as hell, doesn't know when to shut up and back the fuck off, etc. Name ~: Richard "Goldgel" Townsend Links ~: https://www.facebook.com/834980243349687 https://www.reddit.com/u/TheGrumpyDruid skype:korperal96?userinfo https://twitter.com/RavenheartWitch https://open.spotify.com/user/22zxdqjl44bvuleyjezicf3ai Steam ~: RavenheartWitch Star Stable Username ~: Piper Ravenwright Aliases ~: druidofjorvik, richr, TheGrumpyDruid, korperal Discord Information ~: ======================================= | Created on: 2016-08-18 @ 11:40 AM | Last Status: World Champ at Being Ignored | Hypesquad: Bravery | Nitro since: June 13th, 2020 (Tier 1) | Is Boosting?: True | Tag: 1186 | Username: druidofjorvik | User-ID: 215766751785254913 | Known Servers: StarStableOnline | SSO VC (260437309562945536) | Profile Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/215766751785254913/9c6408c38129e6adfb4826965b59c51b.png?size=4096 (4096) | Profile Picture (Asset Storage): 9c6408c38129e6adfb4826965b59c51b | Profile Picture (Extension): PNG | Linked Accounts: 6 (https://snipboard.io/7AVcNo.jpg) ======================================= Gender ~: "Male" (Transgender) Status ~: ======================================= Work: Quality Foods (December 9th, 2019) (https://www.facebook.com/QualityFoodsBC/) Education: ====== Timberline Secondary School, Campbell River, British Columbia (2015) (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Timberline-Secondary-School/108519705836867) D. P. Todd Secondary School, Prince George, British Columbia (https://www.facebook.com/pages/D-P-Todd-Secondary-School/163428447153864) ====== Lives at: His hometown (Prince George, British Columbia) ======================================= Descriptions ~: ======================================= Personal Description: Not much to me. I am a lonely man who wanders the wild paths of the forest and mountains, wanderer of the sea shores. Healer, lover, artist, and traveler. I am a student and a teacher. Personal Favorite Quotes: "Ok? My dear, I haven't been 'ok' for well over 5 years now..." "Some people are night owls, some are morning birds... I'm a permanently exhausted pigeon... So kindly leave unless you have coffee." ======================================= Picture ~: https://snipboard.io/GKk4VR.jpg, https://snipboard.io/2rC9hz.jpg ==================================== +===+ Links gathered by: ina & you[suck]; +===+ +===+ Name, Facebook, Picture(s), and misc information gathered by: AXIZ, Diculus, and Pincha +===+ +===+ Message to the tranny: Shouldn't of started talking shit to others, damn you got hit in the face now +===+