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					We do not forgive.
					We do not forget.
					     Fear us.
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reason:  weird asf (also took my 26 mil smfh)
requested by alot of people that ik of. this is the beginning...
]                                                                        [
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[   88      88.     88 `88. db   8D `8b  d8' 88  V888 88   88 88booo.    ]
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[                                                                        ]

➤ Full Name: Devon Daniel Garcia
➤ Age: 17
➤ Gender: Male
➤ Location of Birth: Texas
➤ Weight: 120~
➤ Height: 5'11
➤ Location: 6269 Los Bancos Dr El Paso, Texas
➤ Race: N/A
➤ Sexual Orientation: straight (he said he was bi before)
➤ Religion: N/A
➤ School: 900 N Rosler Dr. El Paso, TX 79912
➤ School Number: 915-236-2200
➤ Carrier: Sprint Spectrum
➤ [ISP] Internet Service Provider: E-Plus
➤ Area Code: 915
➤ Mobile Phone Number: N/A
➤ Current Address: 6269 Los Bancos Dr El Paso. Texas
➤ Postal Code: N/A
➪    [????] Email:         drizzy.ge@gmail.com      / Roblox[Vissage]  
➪    [????] Password:      LSG394D.D             [????] Vissage[Vissage]
➪    [????] Router         CCT:        \ Update[Vissage]
➪    [????] Config:        0 0 0 0 0 0 1             \

➪    [????] Email:         devang3@gmail.com        / Roblox[Vissage] 
➪    [????] Password:      834.SJFXsXD           [????] Vissage[Vissage]
➪    [????] Router         CCT:        \ Update[Vissage]
➪    [????] Config:        0 0 0 0 0 0 1             \

➪    [????] Email:         gdkshooter@gmail.com     / Roblox[Vissage]  
➪    [????] Password:      devm43ge              [????] Vissage[Vissage]
➪    [????] Router         CCT:        \ Update[Vissage]
➪    [????] Config:        0 0 0 0 0 0 1             \

➪    [????] Email:         slaughtergang1@gmail.com / Roblox[Vissage] 
➪    [????] Password:      DrizzyFB932           [????] Vissage[Vissage]
➪    [????] Router         CCT:        \ Update[Vissage]
➪    [????] Config:        0 0 0 0 0 0 1             \

➪    [????] Email:         DevonGarcia12@gmail.com  / Roblox[Vissage] 
➪    [????] Password:      Daniel2137            [????] Vissage[Vissage]
➪    [????] Router         CCT:        \ Update[Vissage]
➪    [????] Config:        0 0 0 0 0 0 1             \

               Roblox Account Breach                /
➪    [????] Email:         DevonGarcia12@gmail.com  / Roblox[Vissage]    
➪    [????] Password:      DrizzyFB932           [????] Vissage[Vissage]
➪    [????] Router         CCT:         \ Update[Vissage]
➪    [????] Config:        0 0 0 0 0 0 1             \

               Roblox Account Breach                  /
➪    [????] Email:         AlexanderPF231@icloud.com   / Roblox[Vissage]   
➪    [????] Password:      AlexanderX13254X12       [????] Vissage[Vissage]    
➪    [????] Router         CCT:            \ Update[Vissage]
➪    [????] Config:        0 0 0 3 2 1 3                \

   ad88                                  88  88               
  d8"                                    ""  88               
  88                                         88               
MM88MMM  ,adPPYYba,  88,dPYba,,adPYba,   88  88  8b       d8  
  88     ""     `Y8  88P'   "88"    "8a  88  88  `8b     d8'  
  88     ,adPPPPP88  88      88      88  88  88   `8b   d8'   
  88     88,    ,88  88      88      88  88  88    `8b,d8'    
  88     `"8bbdP"Y8  88      88      88  88  88      Y88'     

➤ Mother Name: Karman Garcia
  ➣ Phone: 915-543-4525
  ➣ Photo: N/A
  ➣ Home Address: N/A (In texas)

➤ Father Name: Garcia
  ➣ Phone: 915-2683-3023
  ➣ City: Paso
  ➣ State: TX
  ➣ County: Paso
  ➣ Time zone: Central / Mountain
  ➣ Carrier: Southwestern Bell

➤ Brother Name: Jason Garcia
  ➣ Phone: 915-551-****
  ➣ State: TX
  ➣ Major Citty: El Paso
  ➣ Timezone: Central
  ➣ Additional Information 
Feel bad for you lil bro.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠹⡄⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⢹⡇⠀⠀⠀ Get fucked!
⠀⠀⢀⡾⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⣿⣿⠋⠉⠛⠂⠹⠿⣲⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀        Don't Mess With Us!
btw getting more information still not finished w dox. thank you for reading.