
reason of dox: manipulation,cheating,harrassing,lies
name: Latysha lastname: unknown
Birthday: december 27th
Age: 16
tiktoks: @kiararunsyoulololxo,watkijkjehondje
Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/3878301568/profile
Country: netherlands
city: Denhaag 50%
region: Europe
state: gelderland
her tryna get back to me: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1042471990914732112/1056558227212476416/image.png
her acting like a pick me https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1042471990914732112/1056558178923462746/image.png
her bestie was tryna protect her claiming that her dad is a mafia boss 
Bestfriends Name: Sara lastname: unknown
Bestfriends country: Slovakia
Bestfriends city: Košice, Kosice
Bestfriends Region: Europe