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                                                                .Table Of Contents.                                           
                                                                 .Reason For Dox.     
                                                        .Common Online Alias And Passwords.
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So First He Swats People For Fun And Thats Pretty Lame.
Second He Thinks Hes So Harmfull For Swatting My School A While Back.  
Third He Runs A Shitty BOTNET And Scams People For Spots.
Last And All Hes A Retard.                                      
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Name: Leonardo Andersen
DOB: 10/7/2005
Race: Nigger / Hispanic  
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 5" (166 centimeters)
Weight: 124.8 pounds (56.61 kilograms)
Hair Color: Black
Blood Type: AB+
Starsign(Tropical Zodiac): Libra
Country: Canada
State: Newfoundland and Labrador (NL)
City: Happy Valley-Goose Bay
Postal Code: A0P 1E0
Street Address: 22 Bay Cres
Common Online Alias And Passwords:
Username: doxxedgranny
Username: doxxedgranny666
Password: kuuciC1Bo
Password: swatdd!666
Password: doxxed223?
Instagram: doxxedgranny666
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