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         ~~                       \/____/                 ~~              

**Full Name:** Cecilia Nanthaya Eva Öberg
Full Name: Cecilia Nanthaya Eva Öberg
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 23 November 2007
Social security Number: 20071123-2389

Family Details:

Mother: Nanthaya Öberg, Age 45
Father: Lars Peter Konrad Öberg, Age 59

Contact Information:

Address: Vettershaga Byväg 2, Bergshamra, Assembly Länna församling (018825), Sweden
Phone Number: 070-2160244
Father's Phone Number: 070-7498105

Educational Information:

School Location: Near a Lidl at Baldersgatan 27A, 761 50 Norrtälje, Sweden

Additional Details about Cecilia:

Cecilia tends self harm frequently.
Her mother, Nanthaya Öberg, was caught stealing and is currently awaiting trial, with a potential sentence of 2 years.

City and District:

City: Bergshamra
District: Assembly Länna församling (018825)

Known Contacts:

Friend/Contact 1: +46842002276
Friend/Contact 2: +46702188746
Friend/Contact 3: +46702124133
Friend/Contact 4: +46702141825