├ IGN: pamegop228 ├ Passwords: 12345678, 1234, 12345678, 12345678901, 1234567887654321, 898989, egor02 ├ IP-address: ├ Geolocation: Москва ├ Provider: MTS Siberia ├ Address: Petrovsky blvd 12, bldg 3 ├ Mobile: Mobile TeleSystems PJSC ├ Accounts: 6executexxh, gfgferfe2, 6executexxx6, He_SEXCHEATER, i_pecya, egor_2287, sosikiller, ren1xxx, gorox2222 ├ Name: Egor ├ Reason: Incorrect communication with people and advertising of foreign servers without the permission of the administrator and (insults and humiliation + incorrect mgd) └ Nubmer Provider: +74957213499, +74992318129