Name: Brenda Yuridia Valles Age: 36 Gender/sex: Female --------------------------------------------------------------------- Country: USA State: New Mexico City: Albuquerque Address:(currently looking for) Which side of Albuquerque she lives on: South East Albuquerque country she was born in: Mexico Lanuages: Spanish, Barely any english. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram: - Dulce_Veneno_ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook: - Valles Yuridia Brenda --------------------------------------------------------------------- Former places she has lived at: - Coronado Village (trailer and mobile home parK) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Reasons for being doxxed: Assault/battery on a 12 year old minor, punching a minor, beating on a minor, choking a minor, putting a minor in a choke-hold, body-slamming and jumping a minor, trying to kidnap a minor, lying and manipulating, 2 faced, pulling victim card, Murder attempt on a minor, throwing minor in the middle of the road almost getting the minor hit by a car, Physical abuse and assault, making fun of mentally ill, Abusing a child, Trying to run over and hit a minor with her car on purpose, touching a female minors breast, threatening physical harm on a minor.