Dox on Annasofie travn Larsen.
Reason for dox. Biggest bop. cheater. Puts people up on random shit for no reason. bullied a girl to kill herself and got away with it.
General info.
Name: Annasofie Larsen 
Age: 16 Years old.
DOB 19 november 2008.
City: Odense. denmark.
socials and picture of her:

Annasofies mom:
Dorthe Travn larsen
Adress: Langelinie 25 Cityname. Otterup 5450.
Number: 30 50 30 59
Works at Nordfyns Kommune.
socials and picture of her:

Annasofies Bigger Sister:
Ida Marie Travn Larsen.
socials and picture of her

Annasofies kærste. 
Oscar Grensteen
Socials and picture of him
Oscars unknown family members.
Bente Grensteen socials and picture of her: adress: Joh P Sørensens Vej 23: Skanderborg: 8660. Nummer. 61 70 43 23.
Stine Grensteen socials and picture of her: Works at Falck A/S 
Jan Grensteen socials and picture of him: Arbejder hos Falck A/S

Families name:
Name Sille Travn Nielsen.
Adresse. Haveløkken 21. Odense Nv. 5210.
Number. 26 84 25 15. 28 74 01 05. 60 16 59 88.
Studied Pedagogy at UCL Business Academy and University College
Socials and picture of her.