|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x03  IP Information...........................          |
|      0x04  Family Members Information...............          |
|      0x05  House Information........................          |
|      0x06  Contact Me...............................          |
|      0x07  The Speech...............................          |
|                      0x01  Introduction                       |
This Is A dox MAINLY about some kids parents who doxxed an innocent 
kid for no reason. keep in mind he didnt just dox a innocent kid. 
he doxxed a 13 year old kid who was being his nicest!
This Is a dox on a doxbin user known as "doxgod33"
this "doxgod" has the name of Tyler and you can add this kid on
snapchat : xx_plosive
Lets Begin Shall we?
|                  0x02  Personal Information                   |
Name....................Brian P Mcnally
Occupation..............President & Chief Executive Officer for General Supply & Services, Inc.
Gender.................. Male
Relationship Status..... Married
Home Phone Number.......(219) 325-3562
Direct Address..........12531 Wolford Pl Fishers, IN 46038
Country.................United States
Neighborhood............ Sunblest Farms
Tyler Mcnally ( doxgod33 ) Snapchat :xx_plosive
|                      0x03  Art Break                          |
        /             /|
       /             / |
      /____________ /  |
     | ___________ |   |
     ||           ||   |
     ||           ||   |
     ||           ||   |
     ||___________||   |
     |   _______   |  /
    /|  (_______)  | /      ( Guys Im Tyler And Im A Haxor! )
   ( |_____________|/
| ::::::::::::::::  ::: |
| ::::::::::::::[]  ::: |
|   -----------     ::: |
|               0x04  Family Members Information                |
Mike R Mcnally ( probably brother )
age : 20s
Royal Barry ( random person connected to address ) ( probably mother )
Age : Unknown
|                    0x05  House Information                    |
Direct Address..........12531 Wolford Pl Fishers, IN 46038
Country.................United States
Neighborhood............ Sunblest Farms
Rooms................... 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms
Area (sqft)............. 1,350 sqft
|                  0x06      Contact Me / credits               |
Credits to Dog (me) : Dog#9318
And Thank you so much Forget for adding on to this dox.

SinSec Works together to take down bratty people like you tyler. we hope this changes you.
at the end of the day you are just another harmless teen.

Well Well Well. it seems that the one named "doxgod33" has been doxxed! what a supprise!
so. Tyler please contact me on discord becuase i want to have a talk. you seem like a shitty person.
... how does it feel to be doxxed? you are a bratty teen doxxing literal kids for fun. we have a problem with
people like you. we really hope this makes you stop everything.
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