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[>] | Doxed By      : 406 X 230
[>] | Reason        : menace / viol / pedo / scam
[>] | First Pseudo  : the solitare wolf
[>] | Second Pseudo : desdshot7830236

[!] | Discord Information:
[>] | Username      : desdshot7830236
[>] | Display Name  : the solitare wolf
[>] | Id            : 1205533856644599888
[>] | Created At    : 9 fèvr. 2024
[>] | Email         : lucassorel80@gmail.com

[!] | Personal Information:
[>] | Gender        : male
[>] | Last Name     : Sorel
[>] | First Name    : Lucas
[>] | Age           : 21

[!] | Loc Information:
[>] | Continent     : Europe
[>] | Country       : France
[>] | Region        : Île-de-France
[>] | Postal Code   : 75116
[>] | City          : Paris
[>] | Adress        : 10 avenue Kléber

[!] | Social Information:
[>] | Email         : lucassorel80@gmail.com
[>] | Insta         : https://www.instagram.com/lucasdu30900/

[>] | Other         : IBAN: FR76 2823 3000 0187 7109 9712 602 BIC: REVOFRP2 Nom et adresse de la banque: Revolut Bank UAB